
The 23-year-old girl soaked her feet in roses, and a medical check-up 2 years later revealed her skin condition

author:Dr. Jia Health Center
The 23-year-old girl soaked her feet in roses, and a medical check-up 2 years later revealed her skin condition

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University life is always full of infinite possibilities and surprises, like a fledgling firebird, ready to soar into the sky.

Zhang Shiman is at the age of flowers, Tingting is jade, bright eyes and bright teeth, smiling and spring.

She is a simple and kind girl, full of yearning and enthusiasm for life.

The 23-year-old girl soaked her feet in roses, and a medical check-up 2 years later revealed her skin condition

Every weekend, she would accompany her friends to go shopping, and she would visit the most famous malls in the city.

Her favorite thing is to visit the quaint rose garden, where she often lingers in her spare time.

The garden was full of fragrance and richness, and the colorful roses intoxicated her simple heart.

She often sat in the garden in a daze, gazing at the delicate flowers that bloomed.

The 23-year-old girl soaked her feet in roses, and a medical check-up 2 years later revealed her skin condition

Until one day, she saw a strange article on the Internet, saying that taking a rose foot bath can whiten and rejuvenate the skin and delay aging.

Although it sounds incredible, Zhang Shiman is a little tempted.

She thought, I'm just past my prime, so it's okay to prevent aging like this. So she began to perform this "beauty cheat".

No one could have imagined that this decision would cost her a lot...

The 23-year-old girl soaked her feet in roses, and a medical check-up 2 years later revealed her skin condition

Since then, every weekend, Zhang Shiman picks a large bouquet of delicate flowers in the rose garden, carefully brings them back to the dormitory, and then soaks them in a small bucket filled with warm water.

Once the petals stretch out in the water and give off an intoxicating fragrance, she dips her feet into this "natural beauty serum" and swims for a moment.

At first, she did feel that her feet were smoother and more delicate, and her skin was becoming fairer and brighter. She sincerely believed that this method was good for her body, so she enjoyed it and persevered.

The 23-year-old girl soaked her feet in roses, and a medical check-up 2 years later revealed her skin condition

One cold night in my sophomore year, the heating in the dormitory suddenly went on strike.

To keep out the cold, she simply splashed the bucket of warm rose foot bath water directly on her feet, ignoring the pink liquid dripping all over the floor. This decision exacerbated her chronic illness.

After this situation lasted for almost two years, Zhang began to notice some strange red spots all over his body.

The 23-year-old girl soaked her feet in roses, and a medical check-up 2 years later revealed her skin condition

At first, it was the feet, then it gradually spread to the calves, thighs, and finally the torso and arms.

The exposure of these red spots was shocking, and even she herself was taken aback.

What made her even more frightened was that the skin in these areas began to blister and fester, as if it had been licked and eaten by a burning tongue of fire.

She couldn't bear the constant pain, and her whole body became emaciated. is obviously a young girl in her prime, but her face has lost her face and there is no daylight.

The 23-year-old girl soaked her feet in roses, and a medical check-up 2 years later revealed her skin condition

Although Zhang Shiman was in great pain, she could not guess the root cause of the symptoms. She didn't understand how she could suddenly suffer such a catastrophe when she lived such a simple life on weekdays? Does it have something to do with that innocent rose?

In this way, Zhang Shiman has been delaying seeking medical treatment. Until one day, her condition worsened, the high fever did not go away, and finally she had to go to the hospital for treatment.

After a detailed examination and laboratory tests, the attending physician summarized the cause of her illness as follows: she suffered from a rare allergic skin disease called "photosensitive skin disease".

The 23-year-old girl soaked her feet in roses, and a medical check-up 2 years later revealed her skin condition

This disease is caused by a series of complications caused by severe allergic reactions that occur when the skin is exposed to certain plants under ultraviolet radiation.

In Zhang's case, the cause was a long-term immersion in a solution of rose petals, which contain a natural toxin called "concentrated Philippine lignans".

Once exposed to sunlight, it can trigger severe allergic reactions.

The 23-year-old girl soaked her feet in roses, and a medical check-up 2 years later revealed her skin condition

Although this photosensitive skin disease is rare, the consequences can be serious once diagnosed.

If the right treatment is not taken in time, it is very likely to lead to skin ulcers, keratinism, scarring, and in severe cases, even skin cancer.

Fortunately, Zhang Shiman sought treatment earlier, and his condition was still under control. The doctor immediately prescribed her a comprehensive treatment plan such as avoiding sun exposure, using special anti-itch creams, and taking high-dose skin care nutrients orally.

The 23-year-old girl soaked her feet in roses, and a medical check-up 2 years later revealed her skin condition

After several months of recuperation, Zhang Shiman's condition gradually improved, but due to the severe skin lesions in the past, her hands, feet and part of her torso have left many scars.

Every time she saw those scars, she inevitably felt remorseful, hating her ignorance and carelessness at the beginning.

This painful lesson made Zhang Shiman unforgettable for the rest of his life. She realized how naïve and naïve it was to blindly believe in the so-called "folk remedies" and "natural remedies".

The 23-year-old girl soaked her feet in roses, and a medical check-up 2 years later revealed her skin condition

In this era of scientific advancement, we are fully capable of achieving the purpose of "health and beauty" through formal medical means, without resorting to those ethereal superstitious means.

Today, Zhang Shiman has entered the society, but she still maintains her enthusiasm for life.

It's just that she has become more rational and cautious, and she no longer easily tries those home remedies of unknown origin.

The 23-year-old girl soaked her feet in roses, and a medical check-up 2 years later revealed her skin condition

She often reflects on this tragic experience, hoping that her experience can sound the alarm bell for more people and keep everyone away from those unreasonable pseudo-medical methods.

Life is a long road, but as long as we have mindfulness, we will be able to avoid the wrong path and find the path to light. Zhang Shiman is the best example.

The 23-year-old girl soaked her feet in roses, and a medical check-up 2 years later revealed her skin condition

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(The story in the article is purely fictional, if there is any similarity is purely coincidental, if the body is not well, seek medical help in time)