
Gao Yalin's derailment shattered the three views! won a young female star with one meal, and the average monthly transfer was 25,000!

author:Ah, Dikan Sports
{"info":{"title":{"content":"高亚麟出轨震碎三观!一顿饭拿下年轻女明星,月均转账两万五!","en":"Gao Yalin's derailment shattered the three views! won a young female star with one meal, and the average monthly transfer was 25,000!"},"description":{"content":"在娱乐圈,偶像们的私人生活常常被外界津津乐道,而最近一桩爆料更是将一位国民演员推上了风口浪尖。魏嘉以惊人的方式,通过社交...","en":"In the entertainment industry, the private lives of idols are often talked about by the outside world, and a recent revelation has pushed a national actor to the forefront. Wei Jia in an amazing way, through social..."}},"items":[]}

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