
After the liberation, Li Du, a general of the national army, was arrested, but the high-level said that he would release him and apologize in person, why?

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Li Du, this name may not be so dazzling in the long river of history, but his story is enough to make people's blood boil. Imagine that a young man with ambition at the end of the Qing Dynasty, with the dream of rejuvenating China, has gone through war and change, and has grown from an ordinary soldier to a hero of the Northeast Anti-Japanese War. What made the Kuomintang general, even if he was arrested after the liberation, the top brass of the Communist Party personally apologize and release him? Is it his military talent, or his indomitable ability to defend his country against foreign enemies? Below, let's walk into Li Du's legendary life and uncover the story behind this veteran.

After the liberation, Li Du, a general of the national army, was arrested, but the high-level said that he would release him and apologize in person, why?

In 1880, Li Du was born in an ordinary family in Liaoning Province. It was a turbulent time, the invasion of foreign powers weakened the late Qing Dynasty, and the fate of the country was like a candle in the wind. The young Li Du witnessed the suffering of the people in his hometown, and this deep sense of national crisis gave him a strong will to fight.

After the liberation, Li Du, a general of the national army, was arrested, but the high-level said that he would release him and apologize in person, why?

At the age of 20, Li Du resolutely joined the Qing army and began his military career. In that era of gunpowder, he not only learned how to use weapons, but also tempered his indestructible will in the flames of war. From the end of the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, China's history was turned upside down, and Li Du gradually grew into a far-sighted military commander in this series of historical torrents.

In 1911, when the Xinhai Revolution broke out, Li Du immediately responded, and this revolution completely changed the trajectory of his destiny. After the success of the revolution, he cut off the braids that symbolized the old era, symbolizing a radical change in identity and thinking. Subsequently, he joined the Feng army and began his military career in the northeast.

After the liberation, Li Du, a general of the national army, was arrested, but the high-level said that he would release him and apologize in person, why?

Li Du excelled in the Feng army and was soon promoted to senior general. He is not only good at planning strategies, but also protects the people in troubled times, and has won the reputation of "Northeast Protector General". The "September 18 Incident" in 1931 completely changed the fate of Northeast China, and the invasion of the Japanese Kwantung Army plunged the entire Northeast into dire straits.

In the face of this sudden aggression, many people chose to surrender, but Li Du resolutely resisted. He regarded death as his home, fought bloody battles against the Japanese army, and never flinched even in the face of disparity in strength. His firmness and bravery laid the groundwork for his later fate.

After the liberation, Li Du, a general of the national army, was arrested, but the high-level said that he would release him and apologize in person, why?

During the Anti-Japanese War, Li Du's military talent and unremitting anti-Japanese behavior made his prestige among soldiers and civilians rise sharply. Even in the most difficult moments of the war, he never gave up his belief in resistance. This kind of iron backbone has won the respect that even opponents have to admire.

In 1949, with the founding of the People's Republic of China, the domestic political landscape underwent fundamental changes. Although Li Du was a general of the Kuomintang, his kindness to the people and his heroic performance against the Japanese made him extremely popular among the people. The attitude of the new regime towards him was also quite complicated, on the one hand, he was a high-ranking military officer of the previous regime, and on the other hand, his performance in the War of Resistance against Japan was also worthy of recognition.

After the liberation, Li Du, a general of the national army, was arrested, but the high-level said that he would release him and apologize in person, why?

In the early days of liberation, due to various misunderstandings and political needs, Li Du was temporarily detained. The news shook the political elite and even caught the attention of Deng Xiaoping. When Deng Xiaoping learned of Li Du's background and historical contributions, he immediately ordered his release and personally went to the detention center to apologize to Li Du, an act that was extremely rare at the time and showed respect for Li Du's personal character and historical status.

After the liberation, Li Du, a general of the national army, was arrested, but the high-level said that he would release him and apologize in person, why?

Deng Xiaoping's decision is not only a personal respect for Li Du, but also a manifestation of political wisdom. He understood that in the period of alternation between the old and the new, it was necessary to alleviate social contradictions and promote the unity and stability of the country through a series of symbolic acts. Although Li Du came from the old regime, his patriotic and anti-Japanese history is worthy of respect. The release and apology not only restored Li Du's dignity, but also sent a strong signal to society that the new regime is willing to transcend its previous suspicions and recruit talents.

After the liberation, Li Du, a general of the national army, was arrested, but the high-level said that he would release him and apologize in person, why?

Li Du's life is the epitome of a magnificent history. From a young soldier to an anti-Japanese hero, to a Kuomintang general released by the new regime, each of his transformations is closely linked to the fate of China for more than a century. His story is not only a personal struggle and change, but also a microcosm of the survival and development of the entire Chinese nation in modern history.

After the liberation, Li Du, a general of the national army, was arrested, but the high-level said that he would release him and apologize in person, why?

Li Du's life is a vivid history textbook. He was not only a hero on the battlefield, but also a witness of the times. From the chaos of the late Qing Dynasty to the turmoil of the Republic of China, to the establishment of New China, his life has accompanied the rise and transformation of China. His story tells us that no matter how the times change, those heroes who shed their blood for the country and the nation deserve to be remembered and respected forever. In today's era of peace and prosperity, we should never forget the past, cherish the hard-won peace, and continue to move forward.