
6 habits of getting less and less body fat, have you done it?

author:The same mother who loves life
{"info":{"title":{"content":"体脂越来越少的6个习惯,你做到了吗?","en":"6 habits of getting less and less body fat, have you done it?"},"description":{"content":"1.爱洗澡。洗一个热水澡是可以让身心放松的,洗澡的过程中体温会升高脂肪会加速消耗卡路里,热量也得到了释放,同时还能稳定血...","en":"1. Love to take a bath. Taking a hot bath can relax the body and mind, the body temperature will rise during the bath, the fat will accelerate the consumption of calories, the heat will also be released, and at the same time, it can also stabilize the blood..."}},"items":[]}