
The footprint of time, the companionship of happiness, and the treasure of friendship

author:The truth of Jinfeng's covenant is forever
{"info":{"title":{"content":"时间的足迹,幸福的陪伴,情谊的宝藏","en":"The footprint of time, the companionship of happiness, and the treasure of friendship"},"description":{"content":"随着黎明的第一缕阳光洒落,新的一天又开始了。时间,这位耐心的导师,无声无息地陪伴着我们,悠然漫步在人生的道路上。它不言不...","en":"With the first rays of dawn shining down, a new day begins. Time, this patient mentor, silently accompanies us, leisurely walking on the road of life. It doesn't say anything..."}},"items":[]}