
Miwa Zhangmoto: The new overlord on the table tennis court

author:Bamboo heart zz
{"info":{"title":{"content":"张本美和:乒乓球场上的新霸主","en":"Miwa Zhangmoto: The new overlord on the table tennis court"},"description":{"content":"在乒乓球这项全球热爱的运动中,总有一些新星如璀璨星辰般崛起,照亮整个赛场。最近,一位名叫张本美和的年轻选手,用她惊人的实...","en":"In table tennis, a globally loved sport, there are always some new stars rising like bright stars to light up the entire arena. Recently, a young contestant named Miwa Zhangmoto used her amazing real..."}},"items":[]}