
Advice to middle-aged women: Don't buy too many summer clothes, these 4 pieces are enough, both high-end and intellectual

author:Ideal lover
{"info":{"title":{"content":"建议中年女人:夏天衣服别买太多,有这4件就够了,既高级又知性","en":"Advice to middle-aged women: Don't buy too many summer clothes, these 4 pieces are enough, both high-end and intellectual"},"description":{"content":"建议中年女性:夏日衣橱精简至上,这4款单品高级又知性夏日炎炎,时尚界的潮流总是让人眼花缭乱。然而,对于中年女性来说,过多...","en":"Advice for middle-aged women: the summer wardrobe is paramount, these 4 items are high-end and intellectual, and the trends in the fashion industry are always dazzling. However, for middle-aged women, too much..."}},"items":[]}