
"The Brightest Roof in the Universe" Exposed Trailer Kiyhara Goya first starred

author:CCTV6 movie channel

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Source: 1905 Movie Network Author: Esther

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1905 Movie Network News A few days ago, the film "The Brightest Roof in the Universe" starring Kiyohara Goye was exposed. In the trailer, the young girl played by Kiyohara Goye meets and meets a mysterious old woman, and the distance between the two gradually narrows under the witness of the starry sky on the summer night. The film's painting style is fresh and dreamy, innocent and beautiful.

"The Brightest Roof in the Universe" Exposed Trailer Kiyhara Goya first starred

Poster of The Brightest Roof in the Universe

Adapted from the novel of the same name, the film tells the story of Swallow, a 14-year-old girl with troubles in her peaceful life, who meets a richly dressed but strangely dressed old woman on a starry night.

Directed by Michito Fujii ("The News Reporter") and co-starring Kaoru Momoi, Kentaro Ito, Hidetaka Yoshioka, Makoto Sakai, Mizuki Mizuno, Takashi Yamanaka, and Takashi Daigo, it is expected to be released in Japan in September.


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