
Leonard called on fans to stop the cyber violence and made a military order to Ballmer to lead the Clippers to a championship next year

author:The queen talks about sports
{"info":{"title":{"content":"伦纳德呼吁球迷停止网暴,向鲍尔默立下军令状,明年带领快船夺冠","en":"Leonard called on fans to stop the cyber violence and made a military order to Ballmer to lead the Clippers to a championship next year"},"description":{"content":"在快船队的伦纳德最近可是火得不得了,他不仅在球场上风风火火,连球迷圈都掀起了一阵风浪。这不,前段时间伦纳德就公开呼吁球迷...","en":"Leonard, who is on the Clippers, has been on fire lately, not only on the court, but also in the fan circle. No, some time ago Leonard publicly called on fans..."}},"items":[]}