
The schedule for the Saudi Grand Slam on May 8 is out: 2 Sino-Japanese matches are the focus, and the doubles will stage a civil war

author:The first Pro of the national ball
{"info":{"title":{"content":"沙特大满贯5月8日赛程出炉:2场中日大战是焦点,双打上演内战","en":"The schedule for the Saudi Grand Slam on May 8 is out: 2 Sino-Japanese matches are the focus, and the doubles will stage a civil war"},"description":{"content":"沙特大满贯全面进入男女单的八分之一决赛,男女双打进入四分之一决赛,混双则进入半决赛,国乒有喜有忧,目前女单除了王曼昱出局...","en":"Saudi Arabia Grand Slam has fully entered the quarterfinals of men's and women's singles, men's and women's doubles has entered the quarterfinals, and mixed doubles has entered the semifinals."}},"items":[]}