
Appreciation of American Literature: The Power of Details

author:Bereavement Net

Xun Ziyan:

"No accumulation of steps, no thousands of miles, no accumulation of small streams, no rivers and seas. ”

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and rivers flow into the sea from streams.

There is no overnight success in this world, and all those who have achieved something start from the little things in life.

Only by doing the small things well and the details can we do great things.

As the saying goes:

"Rome wasn't built in a day. ”

The power of details can make or break a person.

Appreciation of American Literature: The Power of Details

Details, the best character

Saying goes:

"It is difficult to draw the skin and bones of a tiger, and you don't know the face but not the heart. ”

I think so.

Walking in the world, seeing all over the world, I found more and more:

A person's character does not lie in whether he is talented or outstanding, but in the details of how he behaves.


"A glimpse of a leopard, a fall of a leaf and autumn. ”

Details can best see a person's cultivation;

Small things can best see through a person's character.

When Lu Yuanying, a high-ranking official of the Tang Dynasty, was a taishou, he once played chess with a subordinate who was in charge of money and grain.

Originally, this subordinate had no way out.

It just so happened that at this time, he had official business to deal with, and the subordinate in charge of money and food secretly took one of Lu Yuanying's chess pieces.

In the end, the subordinate won the game.

At that time, although Lu Yuanying saw the change in the chess game, he did not break the harmony.

Later, after a job change, he transferred the subordinate to a local official, predicting that he would be punished for corruption in the future.

Sure enough, that person ended up being imprisoned for corruption and dying in a foreign country.

Life is made up of many details, and people who pay attention to details will also have a successful harvest.

Perhaps, some people will pretend to be cultivated, seemingly gentle but cunning;

seems to be down-to-earth and generous, but pretending, a small thing can make a person show his feet.

Details are the easiest to overlook, but they are the most able to see a person's true face.

People with real good character often know how to pay more attention to details.

Appreciation of American Literature: The Power of Details

The details are the most impressive

Keigo Higashino says:

"There are two things in the world that cannot be looked at, one is the sun, and the other is the human heart. ”

I think so.

The human heart is the most difficult to guard against and the most difficult to see, because you don't know whether the smile is real or fake.

Although people's hearts are unpredictable, those unexpected warmth, a small gesture is enough to heal people's hearts.

I remember watching a public welfare short film called "Leave a Warm Light for Others", which was a few minutes long, but it brought tears to people's eyes.

One dark night, the man came home late from overtime, only to find that his wife and children had already fallen asleep, but the balcony light was left on.

The man thought his wife had forgotten to turn off the lights and was about to press the switch when she stopped him and motioned for him to look out the window.

It turned out that a couple of sanitation workers on a tricycle were nibbling on steamed buns in the biting cold wind, talking and laughing while eating.

The man immediately understood that his wife was leaving a lamp for the couple downstairs, a lamp that illuminated hope.

Although life is hard, there is always someone to give you warmth;

Although life is difficult, you must add some sugar to your life.

You can know how to consider others in a small matter, and your conduct will not be bad, and you can see people's hearts and character in subtleties.

A small act reflects the innocence and heart of human nature, and it is a person's most sincere kindness.

Appreciation of American Literature: The Power of Details

Details determine success or failure, and small things make life

"Han Feizi" once said:

"The embankment of a thousand feet collapses with the nest of ants;

A hundred-foot room, burned with the smoke of the crevice. ”

The embankment of a thousand miles fell short because of the ant's hole;

Hundred-foot houses burned to the ground because of the flames in the cracks in the chimneys.

Don't ignore the power of the details, even the smallest things can lead to big disasters.

Doing things, ignoring the details, will not work out.

There is a "horseshoe effect" in economics:

A nail was broken, a shoe was dropped;

dropped a farrier and broke a warhorse;

broke a war horse and fell to the death of a general;

fell to the death of a general and suffered a defeat;

Suffered a defeat and lost a country......

This law tells people: nothing is impossible, details determine success or failure, and small things make life.

I remember watching a video clip:

A housewife dressed in ordinary fashion, holding a resume, competes with a group of young graduates for a job.

Everyone muttered:

"You look at what she's wearing, you look at her shoes. ”

She didn't argue, she didn't resist, but waited silently.

This is a very good listed company, so there are countless people who come for interviews every day, and the queue is outside the door.

An old lady on crutches asked everyone:

"Is this the 14th floor of the building?

My daughter works here and I came to her. ”

The interviewer said impatiently:

"I don't know. ”

Only this woman said:

"Auntie, you're on the wrong side, the building is on the other side of the building. ”

The old lady said:

"Can you take me there?

I have urgent business to find my daughter. ”

The woman said:

"Yes, it won't take a few minutes anyway, and it's too late to come back for an interview. ”

As soon as she went out, the old lady said that she didn't dare to move because her feet were twisted, so she asked her to walk faster on her back.

She didn't hesitate, picked up and left.

When she returned, she found that the company had already finished the interview.

Just when she was lost, the company's personnel told her that she had been accepted.

The old lady was the president of the company, and that was the most important part of her interview.

As the old saying goes:

"Words are the voice of the heart, and deeds are the expression of the heart. ”

Speaking, you can see a person's innermost thoughts;

Mannerisms can show a person's truest cultivation.

It is often not luck or chance that determines a person's height, but those inconspicuous details.

Lao Tzu once said:

"The big things in the world must be done in detail. ”

Small things make big things, and details make perfect.

A drop of water can reflect the sun's brilliance;

A drop of sand can see the whole world;

A small thing can tell a person's heart.

Good character is the wealth of a lifetime;

It is the luck of a lifetime to be sincere.

Source: Philosophical Life Network