
1980s Horror Movie Show丨 Horror Trader (1)

author:Watch movie magazines
1980s Horror Movie Show丨 Horror Trader (1)

Making people laugh is challenging, making people cry is sublime, so what about making people feel afraid? In fact, the measurement standard of horror movies is very simple, one horizontal and one vertical, and it is the speaker who scares you.

In this sense, these horror masters are pure.

They create selflessly, exhausting the limits of imagination, in order to extract the crystallization of human fright, collect it in the Museum of Horror, and thus flaunt their personal legend.

Cthulhu carpenter

John Carpenter

1980s Horror Movie Show丨 Horror Trader (1)

Masterpieces: [Strange Shape] (1982), [Heavenly Demon Return] (1987), [Night Mist Killer] (1980), [Extreme Space] (1988)

On that day, humanity finally recalled the fears that had once been dominated by the Cthulhu carpenters, and the humiliation of being imprisoned in the theater.

In fact, since 1978, John Carpenter (i.e. Cthulhu carpenter) has successfully built a killing machine, [Moonlight Panic], and set a precedent for slashing and slashing.

For a time, the bloody rain and wind made people panic, and no teenager wanted to steal the forbidden fruit, and everyone competed to be a good baby.

1980s Horror Movie Show丨 Horror Trader (1)

However, this fight still did not stop, and after entering the eighties, Carpenter was even more full of firepower, wandering between science fiction/horror. His extraordinary imagination and craftsmanship have created waves of horror classics that can shock people's hearts.

1980s Horror Movie Show丨 Horror Trader (1)

In addition to carpentry, he also likes to play and sing, and he is familiar with five tones, and most of the soundtrack in the work comes from his hand, which can be described as a tiger.

Unfortunately, Carpenter didn't get the ratings he deserved in the eighties, and [Moonlight Panic] was only a handful of his success stories. In his complicated sequence of works from the 1980s, [Strange Shape] cannot be ignored.

1980s Horror Movie Show丨 Horror Trader (1)

Although the response to [Strange Shape] was not satisfactory at its premiere, to this day, it has been hailed as a Cult classic by critics and fans.

The presentation of fear in the film is not mainly frightened, but wraps people into an atmosphere of mutual suspicion, so that the "trust" in the cornerstone of society tends to disintegrate.

1980s Horror Movie Show丨 Horror Trader (1)

In another work[ Extreme Space], a similar air of skepticism reappears, a society where no one deserves to befriend, collectivism is not as good as individual heroes fighting alone, and the apocalyptic theme runs through the film.

1980s Horror Movie Show丨 Horror Trader (1)

John Carpenter, who is passionate about the Cthulhu myth, does not focus on the fear and horror of terrifying entities in each of his works, but embellishes the panic of human beings with suspicious colors, even in the nineties [Shuddering Black Hole].

1980s Horror Movie Show丨 Horror Trader (1)

However, if you look at the horror films of the 1980s, Carpenter is undoubtedly too "evil", when the audience enters the cinema to see all kinds of strange creatures and spurting blood plasma.

Carpenter, however, did the exact opposite, not as a rough monster, but tried his best to portray details and realistically restore the story, making people feel that the film is reality and that horror is all around us, which is the same as the original Cthulhu author Lovecraft's concept of "not depicting horror, but depicting the possibilities of horror".

1980s Horror Movie Show丨 Horror Trader (1)

It can be said that his interpretation of horror and the creation of atmosphere are too advanced, which also makes many of his works constantly overturned, and eventually become a generation of cult masters. (text _GA)

1980s Horror Movie Show丨 Horror Trader (1)

Freddy his dad

Wes Craven

Date of birth and death: 1939.8.2-2015.8.30

1980s Horror Movie Show丨 Horror Trader (1)

Masterpieces: [Ghost Street] (1984), [Snake and Rainbow] (1988), [Swamp Monster] (1982)

In 32 days, he created a nightmare image that scared generations, saved a film company on the verge of collapse, and achieved a box office performance of 14 times the budget.

It's such a film [Ghost Street], after Wes Craven originally wrote the script, but could not find a willing to invest in the party.

1980s Horror Movie Show丨 Horror Trader (1)

Paramount and Universal rejected Craven one after another, Disney was interested, but to delete the scene that was not suitable for children to watch, at that time Craven was very financially strapped, but he turned his head and thought, so that the modification was not the "ghost street" he wanted, so he gritted his teeth and shook his head.

When Craven was desperate and helpless, the new line gave him a glimmer of life, and although the new line itself was too poor to pay money, the movie was still successful.

1980s Horror Movie Show丨 Horror Trader (1)

As soon as the film came out, Craven's popularity quickly soared, becoming a representative of American horror movies in the eighties, and [Ghost Street] also became a classic of slashing movies, which had a profound impact on the genre that followed.

Craven likes to explore the nature of reality in his own work, which is taken to the extreme by [Ghost Street], and the boundary between dream and reality is deliberately blurred to make people creepy to watch.

1980s Horror Movie Show丨 Horror Trader (1)

After that, Craven explored the subject more deeply, using Haitian Voodoo Repsy to shoot [Snake and Rainbow] (1988), a film that adopts a more realistic video style, but the male protagonist in the film is still unable to distinguish between illusion and reality.

1980s Horror Movie Show丨 Horror Trader (1)

The incorporation of political elements not only reinforces the sense of authenticity of the event, but also shows Craven's ambition to explore the causes of terror.

Of course, as a horror film, many scenes in the movie are quite delicious in terms of the degree of fright, and have won a lot of praise from fans.

1980s Horror Movie Show丨 Horror Trader (1)

Although horror films were limited by ratings and were not popular, Craven's success in the 1980s benefited from his "mainstream.". In other words, he knows what the audience wants to see, what he is afraid of, and then grabs that one sore point and pokes it with ingenuity.

Take [Ghost Street] as an example, nightmares, ghost presses, this is something that many people have experienced, Craven magnified it infinitely, and the result is that after watching the movie, it is sleepless all night.

1980s Horror Movie Show丨 Horror Trader (1)

How can you watch a hack movie without plasma? Do you want plasma? That's enough for you! The bridge section of The Depp Bento has become a classic bridge section of the slash movie, and after watching it, the blood of the fans is guaranteed.

[Snakes and Rainbows] was even more so, when more Voodoo was practiced than Christians in Haiti, when Americans were curious about this little neighbor in their backyard. Curious is it? Then let's talk about it a little more, so that you can enjoy it. (Text_Yu Xiaolin)

1980s Horror Movie Show丨 Horror Trader (1)

Corpse slasher gamer

Sam Raimi

1980s Horror Movie Show丨 Horror Trader (1)

Masterpieces: [Ghost Play man] (1981), [Insect Catching and Killing Incident] (1985), [Ghost Play Man 2] (1987)

Horror movies are probably the most cost-tolerant genre, even if they don't have much money, as long as they can create amazing results.

Countless aspiring young people, armed with the most rudimentary photographic equipment, will do everything they can to realize their horror ideas, more or less successfully so many times, as close as the earlier domestic critics fire [Middle Evil], as far as our Spider-Man trilogy director Sam Remy's debut [Ghost Playman].

1980s Horror Movie Show丨 Horror Trader (1)

As a masterpiece of low-budget horror films, [Ghostbusters] blends elements that almost any horror movie fan likes to hear, and even if it was impossible to appear on the big screen for a while, [Ghostbusters] still became a classic through videotapes.

Remy, in his early 20s, made horror movies without any restrictions, and he fiddled with his work in all sorts of ways, you think of it or didn't think of it.

[Ghost Playman] is also full of young people's sharp edges and corners, on the one hand, it looks particularly stupid, but on the other hand, it is full of vitality. This work not only became the favorite of young people at that time, but also conquered the Newly Debuted Coen Brothers.

1980s Horror Movie Show丨 Horror Trader (1)

After [Ghost player], Remy and the Coen brothers collaborated on the "Bug Catching and Killing Incident", and Remy's funny and coen brothers' black humor combined perfectly to make this cartoon-style horror movie.

1980s Horror Movie Show丨 Horror Trader (1)

The eighties were just halfway through, and the talented Remy was only halfway through his desire to express himself.

In 1987, With more investment, Remy finally had the opportunity to perfect his idea of the Ghost Play Man series, and a more imaginative [Ghost Play Man 2] was born.

1980s Horror Movie Show丨 Horror Trader (1)

In this work, Sam Remy reveals to us another possibility of horror cinema, which is gameplay.

Remy doesn't want to make the Ghost Play man series an evil thing that scares the audience into not being able to sleep, but lets the audience experience a game where people fight evil spirits.

1980s Horror Movie Show丨 Horror Trader (1)

In Remy's footage, the sprayed plasma is not a representation of endless suffering, but a grand gift to achieve the game's achievements.

In this atmosphere, we are no longer afraid of the arrival of evil spirits, but we expect them to appear funny, perhaps only in Remy's movie, we do not have to worry about the safety of the character, but hope that he will encounter a few more evil spirits, so that we can increase the experience points before crossing to the next level of "ancient". (Text_Gigi)

1980s Horror Movie Show丨 Horror Trader (1)

Corpse baby double cannon

Tom Holland

1980s Horror Movie Show丨 Horror Trader (1)

Masterpieces: [Tianshi Dou Zombie] (1985), [Ghost Baby Return] (1988)

Acting and excellent writing, writing and excellent directing, 15 consecutive years of film work, so that Tom Holland has accumulated a wealth of experience in the industry, in 1985 [Tianshi Fighting Zombies], Holland's first directing tube, a hit.

The $7 million film grossed $24.9 million at the box office, making it the best-selling horror film of the year and receiving rave reviews from fans and critics alike.

1980s Horror Movie Show丨 Horror Trader (1)

It is worth mentioning that the film's rating on Rotten Tomatoes has soared to a staggering 91%.

The success of this work has made Holland's directing path much smoother, and after the "Heavenly Master", the god-like [Ghost Baby Returning Ghost] was born, and another famous actor in the history of horror movies, "Chachi", appeared brightly.

1980s Horror Movie Show丨 Horror Trader (1)

In fact, a year before [Ghost Doll], there was a [Demon Doll] released, which killed a group of dolls, but the audience still watched the hilarious mentality, "Kill people, kill people, after all, it is a doll."

But Holland, with his skillful palm-and-shoot ability, used a doll to frighten the whole world, not only the image of Chachi became a nightmare, but the word "doll" also became a kind of childhood shadow.

1980s Horror Movie Show丨 Horror Trader (1)

In this way, a director won a horror film sub-genre, setting off a ghost doll boom in the following decades, and doll dolls of all shapes appeared, but they could not shake the imperial status of Chaqi. (Text_Yu Xiaolin)

1980s Horror Movie Show丨 Horror Trader (1)

Which of your favorite works of a master?