
If there are these five smells in the urine, you must seek medical attention in time

author:99 Health Net

The smell of urine can indeed provide some information about the state of physical health. Here are some associations between urine odor and underlying health problems:

If there are these five smells in the urine, you must seek medical attention in time


These five smells appear in the urine

Be sure to seek medical attention promptly

The smell of urine can provide clues about physical health. Normally, urine should have little to no odor or only a slight smell of urine. However, certain diseases and conditions may cause urine to produce an abnormal odor. Here are five urine odors that may require prompt medical attention:

Ammonia smell

A strong ammonia or urine smell in your urine can be a sign of a bacterial infection, such as cystitis or pyelonephritis. These infections are usually accompanied by urinary frequency, urgency, and pain.

Rotten apple flavor

A rotten apple smell in your urine can be a sign of diabetes, especially if your blood sugar levels are very high. This change in smell may be related to ketoacidosis, a serious condition of out-of-control diabetes.

Garlic flavor

A garlic smell in your urine may be associated with certain medications or diet, but if the smell is accompanied by other symptoms, such as headaches, fatigue, or nausea, it may indicate a buildup of toxic substances, such as methylmercury or certain chemicals.

Musty smell

A musty smell in urine can be a sign of a fungal infection, such as a Candida infection. This infection can cause urinary tract infections and other symptoms.

Chemical or pungent taste

A strong chemical or pungent smell in urine may indicate the presence of exposure to chemicals or toxins, which may come from certain industrial chemicals, drug side effects, or metabolites in the body.

If you notice any of these unusual odors in your urine and other symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately. Your doctor may recommend urine tests and other tests to determine the cause of the odor and treat it appropriately.

If there are these five smells in the urine, you must seek medical attention in time


What is the amount of urine a normal adult makes in a day

Urine output in a normal adult can vary depending on a variety of factors, including water intake, climate, diet, age, gender, weight, physical activity level, and certain health conditions.

Average urine output

Urine output for adults averages between 1.5 and 2.5 liters (about 1.6 and 2.6 quarts) a day.

Normal range

The normal range for urine output is broader and is usually considered normal between 0.8 and 2.5 liters (about 0.9 to 2.6 quarts). Some people may have more urine and some people may have less, which may be normal.

Water intake effect

Water intake has a direct impact on urine output. Drinking enough water increases urine output, while dehydration decreases urine output.

Dietary effects

Certain foods and drinks in the diet may affect urine output. For example, caffeinated beverages and alcohol have a diuretic effect that may lead to an increase in urine output.

Health status

Certain health conditions, such as kidney disease, diabetes, diabetes insipidus, etc., may affect urine output. In these cases, urine output may increase or decrease significantly.

In summary, a normal adult's daily urine output is considered normal between 0.8 and 2.5 litres, but the exact amount of urine can be affected by a variety of factors. If urine output decreases or increases significantly, accompanied by other symptoms, prompt medical attention should be seen.

If there are these five smells in the urine, you must seek medical attention in time


How to tell the state of health by the color of your urine

Pale yellow

This is the normal color of the urine, indicating adequate water intake and adequate dilution of the urine.

Dark yellow or amber

This is usually an indication of concentrated urine, which may be due to insufficient water intake or the body is in a state of dehydration.

Clear or transparent

Clear urine usually indicates the absence of a large amount of bacteria, red blood cells, white blood cells, or other particles.

Cloudy or cloudy

Cloudy urine may indicate the presence of infection, crystals, blood, or other suspended material.


The presence of blood in the urine can be due to a urinary tract infection, stones, prostate problems, kidney disease, taking certain medications, or bleeding in the body, among other reasons.


Orange urine may be due to a high intake of carrots, pumpkin, or other orange foods in the diet, or due to side effects of certain medications such as vitamin B2.

It is important to note that the color of urine is affected by a variety of factors, including diet, medications, certain health conditions, etc. Therefore, if the color of the urine changes, accompanied by other symptoms, you should consult your doctor to determine if there is a health problem. Your doctor may recommend a urine test or other tests to assess your health.