
The leader angrily scolded the security guards, causing public anger, and the reason for the identity exposure and arrogance was revealed!

author:Durian Ice Heart

There was an arrogant scene in Shanghai Park: a foreign Chinese couple openly provoked the security guards, and the identity of the leader was exposed

In a park in the bustling city of Shanghai, a jaw-dropping incident recently occurred. A foreign Chinese man and his wife openly challenged park security guards by asking them not to take photos to record their illegal behavior of setting up a tent on the grass. What is even more shocking is that the man actually threatened to call his so-called "leader" Mr. Luo and demand that the security guard be fired immediately. This incident quickly fermented on the Internet, causing widespread attention and heated discussions.

The leader angrily scolded the security guards, causing public anger, and the reason for the identity exposure and arrogance was revealed!

Incident review: A foreign Chinese couple arrogantly provoked the security guards

On May 3, on a sunny afternoon, a park in Shanghai was full of tourists. In a tranquil meadow, a Chinese expatriate man and his wife are setting up a tent, ready to enjoy a leisurely afternoon. However, their actions violated the park's management regulations, and the security guards stepped forward to dissuade them and asked them to put away their tents.

The leader angrily scolded the security guards, causing public anger, and the reason for the identity exposure and arrogance was revealed!

The security guard politely explained to the man: "Sir, this is the rule of the park, and tents are not allowed here. It's my job and I need to take pictures to document it. However, the foreign Chinese man did not appreciate it and directly provoked: "You fart! Mr. Luo is in charge of you, right? I'll call him!" His wife also stepped forward to help, threatening the security guards, saying that his job was not guaranteed.

Subsequently, the man dialed the phone, and still arrogantly demanded that Mr. Luo fire the security guard on the phone. This scene was filmed by tourists at the scene and uploaded to the Internet, which quickly sparked heated discussions among netizens.

The leader angrily scolded the security guards, causing public anger, and the reason for the identity exposure and arrogance was revealed!

Netizens hotly discussed: The identity of the arrogant leader was exposed, and Mr. Luo was innocently lying on the gun

With the exposure of the video, netizens expressed their anger and incomprehension. Some people question whether the job of the security guard will really be lost because of this, and some people think that Mr. Luo is innocent as a leader. After an in-depth investigation by netizens, the identity of the so-called "Mr. Luo" was also exposed. It turned out that Mr. Luo was not the management of the park, but a boss who had intersected with foreign Chinese men.

The leader angrily scolded the security guards, causing public anger, and the reason for the identity exposure and arrogance was revealed!

It is understood that this foreign Chinese man was dismissed once by Luo's head office for similar behavior. However, he did not restrain his behavior because of this, but intensified it. This time, the illegal setting up of tents and provoking security guards in the park is obviously another challenge to social order and good customs.

Reflection on the incident: Foreign Chinese should abide by Chinese laws and regulations

The leader angrily scolded the security guards, causing public anger, and the reason for the identity exposure and arrogance was revealed!

This incident is not only a simple illegal tent erection incident, but also a warning to foreign Chinese to abide by Chinese laws and regulations. As expatriates living in China, they should respect and abide by Chinese laws and regulations and social morality. Whether it's setting up a tent or anything else, you should follow the requirements of the park's management regulations and laws and regulations.

At the same time, this incident also reminds us that no matter where we are, we should respect local laws and regulations and social customs. In public places, we should maintain civilized and polite behavior, and jointly create a harmonious and beautiful social environment.

The leader angrily scolded the security guards, causing public anger, and the reason for the identity exposure and arrogance was revealed!

Conclusion: Respect laws and regulations and build a harmonious society

Although this arrogant incident in Shanghai Park has passed, it has left us with a deep reflection. As citizens, we should always be mindful of our responsibilities and obligations, and abide by laws and regulations and social morality. At the same time, we should also respect and tolerate people from different cultural backgrounds to create a harmonious and beautiful social environment.

I hope that this incident can arouse more people's attention and reflection, and let us work together to contribute to the construction of a more civilized and harmonious society.