
Cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 65 and a second recurrence in one year? The doctor said bluntly: Most of the time these three things are done too much

author:Talk about the doctor's health

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"What's wrong with you?" asked Aunt Li, a neighbor. Uncle Wang, 65 years old, is a retired postman who likes to walk around the community and chat with everyone.

Uncle Wang was helpless, "Aren't I hospitalized again?" Guess what, I'm bleeding in my brain again, it's the second time in a year!" When Aunt Li heard this, she quickly put down the work in her hand, "Oh, you really have to be careful, we have to take care of ourselves at this age."

Cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 65 and a second recurrence in one year? The doctor said bluntly: Most of the time these three things are done too much

During Uncle Wang's hospitalization, he met Zhao Qing, a neurologist who had just returned from abroad. Zhao Qing had a detailed understanding and diagnosis of Uncle Wang's situation. Dr. Zhao Qing explained: "Uncle Wang, your situation is mostly related to three things, which you may not pay much attention to. ”

Cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 65 and a second recurrence in one year? The doctor said bluntly: Most of the time these three things are done too much

Uncle Wang's eating habits. Although Uncle Wang thought that he ate quite lightly, Dr. Zhao Qing found through a detailed dietary review that Uncle Wang had the habit of eating a high-sodium diet. "You see, many elderly people have the habit of eating salty, but too much sodium intake can lead to an increase in blood pressure, which in turn increases the risk of cerebral hemorrhage. ”

Cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 65 and a second recurrence in one year? The doctor said bluntly: Most of the time these three things are done too much

Uncle Wang's sleep problems. Uncle Wang often complained that he couldn't sleep well and had to wake up several times at night. Dr. Zhao Qing pointed out that poor sleep quality not only directly affects the energy and mood of the next day, but also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease in the long run. "Sleep deprivation or poor sleep quality can lead to an increase in blood pressure, further contributing to the risk of intracerebral hemorrhage. ”

Cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 65 and a second recurrence in one year? The doctor said bluntly: Most of the time these three things are done too much

Uncle Wang lacks regular physical exercise. Although he goes out and about every day, Dr. Zhao Qing stresses that regular aerobic exercise is essential to maintain vascular health. "Regular physical activity can help lower blood pressure, improve circulation, and reduce the risk of intracerebral hemorrhage. ”

Cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 65 and a second recurrence in one year? The doctor said bluntly: Most of the time these three things are done too much

After Dr. Zhao Qing's explanation, Uncle Wang had a new understanding of his lifestyle and began to change. After a few months, his blood pressure has improved significantly and he is feeling more energetic.

On the day he was discharged from the hospital, Uncle Wang deliberately waited in the corridor of the hospital, wanting to say goodbye to Dr. Zhao Qing. He asked, "Dr. Zhao, can you explain a little bit more about why regular aerobic exercise is so important to prevent intracerebral hemorrhage?"

Cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 65 and a second recurrence in one year? The doctor said bluntly: Most of the time these three things are done too much

Dr. Zhao Qing smiled and replied, "Regular aerobic exercise can help our heart pump blood more efficiently. As a result, blood pressure can be maintained at a healthier level, reducing the risk of sudden rupture of blood vessels due to high blood pressure. In addition, exercise can also help us regulate blood sugar and blood lipids, which are key factors in maintaining blood vessel health and preventing intracerebral hemorrhage. ”

Cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 65 and a second recurrence in one year? The doctor said bluntly: Most of the time these three things are done too much

Dr. Zhao Qing then added a new insight, which most people don't notice much: "Actually, Uncle Wang, in addition to the factors we just discussed, there is another thing that is also very important, and that is your community environment. ”

"We often say 'the environment makes people', and the same is true for health. If you live in a community environment that provides more green spaces and quiet spaces for rest, it can be very beneficial in preventing high blood pressure and related intracerebral hemorrhage. ”

Cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 65 and a second recurrence in one year? The doctor said bluntly: Most of the time these three things are done too much

Dr. Zhao Qing explains: "Green plants in the environment can effectively reduce the noise around you and also reduce air pollution. In addition, a green environment encourages people to engage in outdoor activities, which naturally enhances the overall health of the body. ”

Uncle Wang was deeply touched by this, and he recalled that the community where he lived did not have enough green space and rest areas, which made him realize the need for change. "It seems that I need to go out and go to the park to get some fresh air and enjoy the benefits of nature. He said.

Cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 65 and a second recurrence in one year? The doctor said bluntly: Most of the time these three things are done too much

On the last day, when he was about to be discharged from the hospital, Uncle Wang met Dr. Zhao Qing at the door, and he suddenly thought of a question: "Dr. Zhao, can you explain why noise affects blood pressure, and what does this have to do with my cerebral hemorrhage?"

Cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 65 and a second recurrence in one year? The doctor said bluntly: Most of the time these three things are done too much

Doctor Zhao Qing stopped and replied with a smile, "That's a good question, Uncle Wang." Noise, as an environmental stressor, causes our stress response. ”

"Prolonged exposure to loud noises causes the body to continuously secrete stress hormones, which can lead to a persistent increase in blood pressure. Prolonged high blood pressure increases the risk of rupture of blood vessels in the brain, which can lead to intracerebral hemorrhage. Therefore, maintaining a relatively quiet living environment is very helpful in preventing intracerebral hemorrhage. ”

Cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 65 and a second recurrence in one year? The doctor said bluntly: Most of the time these three things are done too much

This explanation not only solved Uncle Wang's doubts, but also made him more aware of the importance of environmental factors in daily life.

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Cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 65 and a second recurrence in one year? The doctor said bluntly: Most of the time these three things are done too much