
Both are out!7-for-3 trade failed, all four sides were losers, and Harden's basket was empty

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Both are out!7-for-3 trade failed, all four sides were losers, and Harden's basket was empty
Both are out!7-for-3 trade failed, all four sides were losers, and Harden's basket was empty
Both are out!7-for-3 trade failed, all four sides were losers, and Harden's basket was empty
Both are out!7-for-3 trade failed, all four sides were losers, and Harden's basket was empty
Both are out!7-for-3 trade failed, all four sides were losers, and Harden's basket was empty

NBA Playoffs Recap: Winners and Losers in the Trade Turmoil

1. Clippers under the trade storm: The giant lineup is difficult to hide internal worries

As the NBA playoffs dragged on, a multi-team trade storm gradually surfaced. The Clippers are one of the participants in this deal, and the story behind it is intriguing. They have paid a high price to build a Big Three roster with George, Leonard and Harden at their core, including multiple players, draft picks and a huge luxury tax. However, this investment did not pay off in return as they expected. On the playoff stage, the Clippers went out early, raising questions about the future of this team.

The Clippers' defeat was not accidental. Injuries are certainly one of the causes, but the deeper problem lies in the cohesion and chemistry within the squad. The run-in of the Big Three lineup did not go well, and the team lacked sufficient stability and execution at critical moments. In addition, the post-trade operations of the Clippers management have also been questioned. Whether they can continue on this path and build a roster with Kajiaoha at the core will be a question they will need to think about seriously this offseason.

For the Clippers, the deal was undoubtedly a failure. Not only did they fail to achieve their goal of challenging for a championship, but they also lost a number of potential players and future draft picks. Such a result left fans disappointed and regretted. The Clippers need to seriously reflect and summarize, find the root cause of the problem, and take steps to improve it.

2. The 76ers' road to rebuilding: the confusion and struggle after losing Harden

In stark contrast to the Clippers is the 76ers. After sending Harden away, they tried to find a new way out through internal digging and roster adjustments. However, such attempts did not achieve the desired results. In the playoffs, the 76ers also suffered the fate of an early exit.

Embiid, as one of the team's core players, did not perform well in the playoffs. Although he had an excellent performance in the regular season, he was often invisible when it mattered. Maxi has improved, but his overall performance has been inconsistent. Such a combination obviously can't lead the 76ers far.

For the 76ers, the loss of Harden was a major blow. Harden has been relatively consistent in the playoffs, and his departure has left the team without a significant scoring point and playmaker in crunch time. In addition, the 76ers did not find a suitable replacement to fill the void left by Harden after the trade. This situation makes the team look inadequate in the playoffs.

Now, the 76ers' road to rebuilding is still full of confusion and struggle. They need to take a hard look at the current state of the team and where it is headed, and take steps to improve it. Only then will they be able to return to the playoff stage in the future and strive for better results.

3. Embiid's dilemma: the responsibility of a leader who cannot stand alone

Embiid, as one of the core players of the 76ers, plays a pivotal role in the team. However, after losing Harden, he faced a huge dilemma and pressure. In the playoffs, he not only has to take on the burden of scoring and defense, but also step up and lead the team forward when it matters most. However, the reality of the situation made him feel that he was on his own.

Embiid didn't do well in the playoffs. Although he has performed well in some games, he has lacked consistency and consistency overall. He was often unable to step up and lead the team out of difficult situations when it mattered. Such a performance has raised questions about his leadership skills.

For Embiid, he needs to seriously reflect on his performance and shortcomings in the game and take steps to improve them. He needs to improve his consistency and continuity, and show stronger leadership skills when it matters most. Only then can he lead the 76ers back to the playoff stage in the future and strive for better results.

4. Harden's Choice: The Struggle Between Championship Dreams and Contracts

Harden, the other protagonist in this deal, is also full of twists and turns and uncertainties. After leaving the 76ers to join the Clippers, he had hoped to keep the championship chance alive and fight for a big contract. However, the reality made him feel disappointed and helpless.

In the playoffs, although Harden has a relatively stable performance, it is difficult to play his best at critical moments. His Clippers were also out early, frustrating his hopes of winning the championship again. In addition, there is uncertainty about his contract. While the Clippers are interested in keeping the Kachiha-centered roster, it's still unknown if Harden can get a satisfactory contract.

For Harden, he needs to carefully weigh his career plans and future direction. If he wants to continue his championship pursuit, he may need to lower his salary requirements to stay with the Clippers, and if he is more focused on contract length, he may need to look for other teams that offer more salary space. Whatever choice he makes, there are certain risks and challenges to take. As fans, we expect him to make the right decisions and continue to bring us great games in the future."

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement reprinted without permission must be investigated!!]

The tragedy of the trade: all sides are empty dreams, and Harden is full of tears

Fenghua chased dreams in one season, and the transaction was turbulent.

The Clippers have an empty luxury array, and the Big Three are difficult to shake.

Batum, Morris Jr., where are the heroes of the past now?

Covington, Martin Jr., the Warriors are no longer hard to find.

The first round is heartbroken, and the dream of high luxury taxes is broken.

The 76ers lost Harden's wing, and the road to rebuilding was difficult.

Embiid is a one-man leader, and the responsibility of a leader is as heavy as a mountain.

Although Maxi has made progress, it is not the god of the sea.

Harden's departure is like water, and the team has no source of stability.

It was difficult to do in the playoffs, and he stopped in the first round with tears.

Embiid, Embiid, the name of the leader is not at ease.

The incognito went at the critical moment, and the hearts of the fans were turbulent.

Harden was proud in the past, and the Clippers were also at a loss.

The dream of the champion is shattered, and the salary is thin, where is the road ahead?

The Quartet is the loser, and the fruit of the deal is bitter and sour.

Harden was full of tears, who knows the melancholy in his heart?

The glory of the past has come to naught, and now there is no one to pity it.

May you not forget your oath now, and he will rise again and return to heaven one day.

This poem sums up the situation in the NBA where all four sides lost after a 7-for-3 trade involving Harden. The Clippers have assembled a luxury roster but failed to win the championship, the 76ers have struggled to rebuild after losing Harden, Embiid has struggled to lead alone, and Harden is facing the dual dilemma of championship dreams and contract problems. The whole poem is full of emotion and regret for the fate of the players, and at the same time, it also expresses good wishes for their future revival.

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement reprinted without permission must be investigated!!]