
The cleaners of Taishan Scenic Area only pick up bottles, and throw other garbage away?

author:Taste life WS


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On May 2, some netizens broke the news that when the cleaners in Taishan Scenic Area were cleaning up the garbage, they only picked up bottles that could be sold for money, and threw other garbage away.

The cleaners of Taishan Scenic Area only pick up bottles, and throw other garbage away?

From the video provided by netizens, it can be seen that three employees in cleaner uniforms rummaged for bottles in the trash cans, while other garbage such as watermelon rinds were thrown down the hillside by them, and the scene was a mess. This situation makes people worry about the environmental sanitation management of Taishan Scenic Area.

In the face of netizens' questions and accusations, the scenic spot responded that it would forward the situation to the relevant departments for verification. However, such a response clearly did not quell public anger and discontent. Some netizens bluntly said: "This still needs to be verified, isn't it filmed clearly?" Indeed, the situation in the video is clear at a glance, and the behavior of the cleaners has had a negative impact on the environment of Mount Tai.

The cleaners of Taishan Scenic Area only pick up bottles, and throw other garbage away?

Some people may say that some garbage is organic matter, which can rot and decompose naturally, and there is no need for manpower to transport it down the mountain. But such a statement is clearly untenable. As a national scenic spot, the environmental sanitation of Mount Tai is of paramount importance. If every cleaner is so "picky and thin", how long can the beautiful scenery of Mount Tai be maintained?

We can't help but ask: what is wrong with the environmental sanitation management of Taishan Scenic Area? Who gave the cleaners such "power" to destroy the environment? As tourists, should we also reflect on our own behavior and jointly maintain the environmental sanitation of the scenic spot?

The cleaners of Taishan Scenic Area only pick up bottles, and throw other garbage away?

Mount Tai is our common cultural heritage, and its beauty needs everyone's care. It is hoped that the scenic spot can strengthen management, improve the quality of cleaners, and ensure that similar incidents do not happen again. At the same time, it also calls on the majority of tourists to travel in a civilized manner and jointly protect the beautiful scenery of Mount Tai. Only in this way can we keep Taishan, a famous cultural mountain, forever maintaining its unique charm and style.