
Humorous, distressed laughter

author:Qilu one point

Although I do not belong to the cheerful people who often speak wittily in front of everyone, but also prefer to steal pleasure, when faced with greater pressure, or want to find some happiness, if no one to tell jokes, will also try to produce their own, may jump out of such a sentence or two very "philosophical" words, generally have to make people pause for a few seconds to taste the taste, perhaps it is the response to that sentence: the humorous soul is implicit, the aftertaste is its charm.

When a group of people are faced with funny things, the one who laughs the most is usually me, so funny? I think that maybe I am better at understanding humor, and often the person who laughs first is me, even if it is a very silent person. However, "laughter" should be a beneficial organism activity, but also a health recipe that is highly respected by people, which is why Zhao Benshan, Fan Wei and other actors are popular, at least they can make the audience "enter the scene" with a straight face, happy to open their mouths to "appear", just like Fan Wei's voice in "No Thief in the World" "Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, rob, fight - robbery" and the sentence "Wait a while, I - still have to rob a color", just like the obvious lack of confidence, The third-rate thief who does not forget the side business of the main business is vividly interpreted, and at the same time, it also makes it appear in front of the national audience and causes a "sensation". I think this is also Feng Xiaogang's superiority, a film has one or two classics, and the box office basically does not have to worry. But do you know that as far as the funny stars Ge You and Fan Wei are concerned, their friends' evaluation of them is that one is introverted, and the other is that the personality is more restrained! Feng Xiaogang is not to mention, he was a bitter child since he was a child, and the biggest satisfaction when he grows up is to eat raw tomatoes and scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

Back to the point. Humor, on the surface, seems to be something less serious, but it should be borrowed from less serious things to say things, there is a suspicion of "drunkenness is not in the wine", and it has the effect of acupuncture. Who says humor isn't a distressing laugh? It should be a self-deprecation in an awkward situation, as if to say: It doesn't matter, it's just funny. The sketch playwright He Qingkui has a serious face, and it can be known that most of the wonderful passages of Sister Gao and Uncle Benshan are from his hands, while Lao He has classic sentences that are intriguing: to engage in writing, you must first understand what "people" are, what "life" is... It seems that real writing and "being human" are synchronized, and the creation of "humor" is not just to simply amuse people, it has a deep connotation and meaning, and it is difficult to say that it is not an outbreak in a state of repression...

It has been said that human wisdom reaches a certain height in order to discover humor, understand humor, and create humor. I think that humor is indeed a kind of great wisdom, it is a kind of open-mindedness and generosity that people have when their wisdom reaches a certain height. Therefore, usually pay attention to more contact with humorous information, more with people with a sense of humor, I think that under the influence and inspiration of "humor", people will be above all troubles. Perhaps, "humor" is no longer the laughter of the distressed person, but the laughter of the "distressed person"!

Humorous, distressed laughter

(Image from the Internet)

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