
It is undeniable that Chen Meng has five good friends, and she is worthy of being the "eldest sister" of popularity

author:Sanzhiqua said sports
{"info":{"title":{"content":"不可否认:陈梦有五大好朋友,不愧是人缘的“大姐大”","en":"It is undeniable that Chen Meng has five good friends, and she is worthy of being the \"eldest sister\" of popularity"},"description":{"content":"在乒乓球的世界里,陈梦不仅是一位技艺高超的选手,更是一个拥有广泛人缘的“大姐大”。今天,就让我们一起走进陈梦的朋友圈,看...","en":"In the world of table tennis, Chen Meng is not only a skilled player, but also a \"big sister\" with a wide range of popularity. Today, let's walk into Chen Meng's circle of friends and see..."}},"items":[]}