
The injustice manifested on Labor Day, where manual workers are struggling and elites are traveling, should be changed to Elite Day

author:Flying Fish Life
{"info":{"title":{"content":"劳动节彰显的不公,体力劳动者在挣扎,精英在旅游,应改为精英节","en":"The injustice manifested on Labor Day, where manual workers are struggling and elites are traveling, should be changed to Elite Day"},"description":{"content":"社会的不公,是一个长期存在且令人深感痛心的现实。五一劳动节,作为劳动者的节日,本应是一个让底层劳动者放松身心、享受劳动果...","en":"Social injustice is a long-standing and deeply distressing reality. May Day, as a festival for workers, should be a place for low-level workers to relax and enjoy the fruits of their labor."}},"items":[]}