
The best feng shui in a person is not in physiognomy, not in speech, in fact, there are only 2 words

author:Night reading
The best feng shui in a person is not in physiognomy, not in speech, in fact, there are only 2 words

If the son wants to do things, he must first be holy.

In ancient times, there was a man named Ma San, who was loyal, kind and gentle.

After his father's death, Ma San wanted to find a piece of feng shui treasure to bury the old man, so he found an old gentleman to look at the land.

When he walked to Ma San's field, the old gentleman saw that someone was stealing sweet potatoes from the field, but Ma San was indifferent when he saw this.

The old gentleman was surprised and asked why.

Ma San spoke: "That person is a poor family in the village, and I often help him on weekdays. Today he came to dig it himself, and it saved me trouble. ”

The old gentleman sighed: "This is a treasure of feng shui, it seems that the old man has gone for nothing!"

Ma San was puzzled, and the old gentleman said:

"You are kind-hearted, and God will take care of you, and no matter how good the treasure is, if you are not virtuous, you will not get good fortune. ”

"Tao Te Ching" has a saying: "For the valley of the world, Changde is enough." ”

The best feng shui in a person is not outside the body, but only on the inside, which comes from character.

Only by cultivating a good character can you raise good luck, and everything you want will come as scheduled and unexpectedly.


Character is the highest education

One year, when the freshmen of Peking University were registering, a male student carried a lot of things on his shoulder, and he couldn't find the north on campus.

In a hurry, he entrusted his luggage to an old man standing on the side of the road and ran to report to duty.

It was hot in September, and the sun was blazing, so the old man waited patiently for the boy under the sun and returned the luggage to him with his own hands.

At the opening ceremony a few days later, the boy found that the grandfather he called to see the luggage that day was actually the vice principal Ji Xianlin.

After listening to this true story, Bai Yansong couldn't help but sigh:

I don't know what kind of mood this student was in at that time, but I only had one feeling after listening to it:

Character is a person's highest education. ”

The Analects says: "If the son wants to do something, he must first be holy." ”

Being a man first and then doing things is an eternal truth that has been unchanged for thousands of years.

A high degree of education will be a good stepping stone, but a good character is the biggest card in the world.

Sun Shao'an in "Ordinary World" is an authentic farmer with only a primary school diploma.

He took the initiative to drop out of school for the sake of his family, supported the Sun family at the age of 13, and became the production captain at the age of 18.

At a young age, he worked in the field, finished farm work and housework, and was diligent and diligent for decades, never complaining.

The important thing is that he is capable and ambitious, but he never turns his gun on others.

After setting up a brickyard, Shao'an didn't think about making a fortune on his own.

He is dedicated to expanding the scale to find a way out for the villagers and share prosperity, and the hard-earned money is also used to build schools for the village and educate the children.

From an ordinary peasant with a low educational background, he has counterattacked into a respected private entrepreneur.

What has supported Sun Shaoan to get to where he is today is not the first, but character is the most important.

As the old saying goes: "Benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, and kindness are to people, and they are like goods and corn to their families." ”

The greatest wealth in a person, the best feng shui, is always character.

It's not about academic qualifications, it's just about hearts.

Good ability determines how fast a person can go, and a good character determines how far a person can go.

Excellent character is a person's highest education, and it is also a stepping stone for people to behave in the world and succeed.

The best feng shui in a person is not in physiognomy, not in speech, in fact, there are only 2 words


Character is the steering wheel of life

There is such a sentence in "Caigen Tan": "For good, you don't see its benefits, like a winter melon in the grass, it should grow secretly." ”

It means that there is no need to be anxious if you do good deeds but do not see good rewards, just like a winter melon in the grass, although it cannot be seen by the human eye, it still grows strongly.

In this world, cause and effect must be rewarded, but it just takes time.

The fruits of your inadvertent planting will always reward you in another way in the future.

Cao Dewang, the "glass king", was poor in his early years, and he was only a small worker at the bottom of the construction site.

One day, a middle-aged man broke into the construction site, his face was flushed, and he asked Cao Dewang for water when he entered the door.

Seeing this, Cao Dewang only thought about saving people, so he hurriedly helped the man into the house to rest.

There was no boiling water at the construction site, and Cao Dewang was afraid that the tap water would hurt the man's stomach, so he gave his herbal tea to the man to drink.

During the conversation, he learned that the man didn't buy a ticket home, so he could only walk back, fortunately he met Cao Dewang, otherwise he would not have survived tomorrow all the way.

Cao Dewang persuaded the man to stay here for one night, recuperate his spirits and go on the road again, and the man readily agreed.

At that time, food was precious, and when he ate at night, the man thought that there was little rice in the pot, so Cao Dewang gritted his teeth and took out his own rations for half a month.

While eating, the man said that it was boring to eat without wine, and Cao Dewang was not annoyed, so he patiently took out two bottles of wine and brought two plates of snacks.

Later, he learned that the man who walked home on foot was the head of a large farm.

When Cao Dewang was desperate, the man took the initiative to take him in and gave him the first sum of money in his life, which led to the later "Glass King".

The ancients said: "Have both ability and political integrity, and put morality first." ”

The so-called luck and opportunities of the world are all behind the accumulation of character.

In the world, talent is only the engine of your career, and character is the steering wheel of the right way.

No matter how outstanding the ability is, the bad character will not win the trust of the people, and the heavy responsibility will be entrusted; no matter how rich the experience, it is easy to go in the wrong direction and fall into the abyss if the character is misconducted.

And your character will show you the way forward.

In this life, if you do good deeds, don't ask about the future, but be a good person, and be blessed to the soul.

The best feng shui in a person is not in physiognomy, not in speech, in fact, there are only 2 words


To be a man, character is always the first

Liu Wenbu, a noisy cross talk actor, is a disciple of the famous cross talk artist Yang Shaokui, with solid basic skills and excellent talent.

But this person's character is worrying, and he has been imprisoned three times for bad style and messing with the relationship between men and women.

After being released from prison, Liu Wenbu, who was poor in the twilight of his life, found Guo Degang and hoped that Deyun Club could take him in.

The black spots in the cross talk world wanted to enter Deyun Club, but Guo Degang didn't think about it, so he directly refused.

But Guo Degang's mentor Jin Wensheng favored Liu Wenbu's talent and personally mediated, and Guo Degang left Liu Wenbu because of his feelings.

At that time, Guo Degang's appearance fee for Liu Wenbu was 300 yuan, while other ordinary Deyun Club actors were only 50 yuan per game.

After Deyun Club became famous, Liu Wenbu's heart became more and more inflated, and he felt that Deyun Club had made a lot of contributions today, so he asked for a salary increase.

After asking for salary several times to no avail, he set up a small group behind his back to insult Guo Degang, and even squeezed the newcomer's appearance fee, threatening to refuse to perform if the appearance fee was not increased to 500.

Such an act of ignoring the grace of the original take-in finally completely annoyed Guo Degang and unceremoniously dismissed him.

Without the Deyun Club, Liu Wenbu could not move an inch and became notorious; without Liu Wenbu, the Deyun Club was in full swing since then.

Later, someone asked Guo Degang what the criteria for recruiting disciples were.

He replied:

"In the past, it mainly looked at the ability of the talent to see if he ate the bowl of rice of Xiangsheng.

Now the main thing is to look at character, because ability can be cultivated, but character is no problem. ”

In life, character is the bottom.

Wisdom, enthusiasm and innovation can be second, but character is always first.

Because a person with poor ability may not be a superior product, and a person with a defective character must be a dangerous product.

"Zhou Yi" has a saying: "Tianxingjian, the gentleman is self-improving, the terrain is good, and the gentleman is virtuous." ”

The sea has a belly that can hold water, so that it can be wide but not bright, and a person with excellent character can also carry all things.

Conduct oneself in the world, keep one's character, and accumulate height.

A person who has walked through the world, seen sentient beings, tasted bitterness and joy, and has had clutches, can still keep his original intention, and is willing to take responsibility, is the top pattern.

The best feng shui in a person is not in physiognomy, not in speech, in fact, there are only 2 words

Mencius said: "Those who have attained the Tao have much help, and those who have lost the Tao have little help." ”

Tao is character, character is luck, if a person's character is good, everything around him will be beneficial to himself.

In this life, if you lose anything, you can't lose your character, and you can't lose your conscience if you lose anything.

Be a person with a conscience, do things with good character, and be able to stand firm at any time.