
A truly far-sighted person will leave these 3 paths for himself before the age of 40

author:Night reading
A truly far-sighted person will leave these 3 paths for himself before the age of 40

Writer Feng Liangnu said: "The world will give way to those who have goals and visions. ”

Life is short for decades, and some people live their lives in a daze, while some people can stay sober and constantly improve their cognition and pattern.

The key to these people's ability to go all the way up and be invincible is that they know how to plan ahead.

People who are truly far-sighted will leave these 3 paths for themselves in advance.


Keep money in your pocket and accumulate wealth

Maugham once said: "Of course, man does not seek all wealth, but at least he must live a life of dignity, so that he can work unhindered, be generous, be cheerful, and be independent." ”

In life, food, clothing, housing, transportation, birth, old age, sickness and death, there is no way to avoid the word "money".

When you don't have any money, you can't move an inch.

Having money in your pocket is a person's greatest dignity and a family's greatest confidence.

In the TV series "A Year Without a Job", the experience of the protagonist He Yu is quite touching.

He Yu worked in a company in Shanghai for more than ten years, but chose to resign because he was dissatisfied with the company's transfer.

She naively thought that with the savings of the past few years, she could successfully get through the unemployed period.

But the reality is far from being as smooth as she thought, in just a few months, her financial project has lost a lot of money, and the balance in the card is only 60,000 yuan.

After subtracting car loans, rent, social security and other expenses, the 60,000 yuan won't last long at all.

So, in order to make money, He Yu even went to set up a stall in the middle of the night.

Her mother was found to have a malignant tumor, which required 160,000 yuan in surgery fees, and the follow-up chemotherapy costs were also a large amount.

But how could He Yu have so many savings, she could only sell the car and borrow money from all over the place.

Faced with such a situation, the more He Yu thought about it, the more helpless she felt, and she broke down and cried in the stairwell of the hospital.

As the saying goes: "The world is panicked, but the picture is a few taels of silver." But this broken silver is a few taels, which can solve all kinds of panic in the world. ”

The collapse of adults often begins with a lack of money.

If you have money in your pocket, you can withstand all kinds of difficulties in life, withstand all kinds of tests in the world, and resist unexpected risks.

Only by working hard to make money can we keep up with the speed of children's growth and keep up with the pace of aging of parents.

A truly far-sighted person will leave these 3 paths for himself before the age of 40


Leave virtue on the lips and accumulate blessings

Whether a person's blessing is good or not, sometimes, can be seen from what he says.

A person who speaks wild words and hurts others in every word, blessings will naturally slip out of his mouth.

If you keep your mouth shut, you will keep your blessings.

My friend Amy has been a little depressed lately, and she confided in me that my colleague Yingzi is very fond of chewing the root of her tongue.

One day, Amy went out to talk about business and came back, carrying a big bag and a small bag, and Yingzi began to tell others that he had taken a lot of kickbacks.

This made Amy really angry, because this was the daily necessities she bought with her own money when she saw the promotion of the roadside store.

Not only that, many colleagues in the company will be discussed by Yingzi.

Seeing that others were promoted not long after they joined the company, Yingzi took the initiative to discuss and speculate that the other party came in "through the back door".

But in fact, this colleague is not only highly educated, but also works very hard, and is appreciated by the company's leaders, so he has the opportunity to be promoted.

Seeing that the old employee was late and left early for a while, Yingzi began to discuss with others, saying that this old employee had a long working experience and put on his old qualifications.

But in fact, it was the old employee's child who was sick and hospitalized, and he needed to go to the hospital every day to take care of him, so he asked the leader for leave in advance.

Yingzi's character of chewing the root of her tongue seems to be exquisite, but in fact, it makes the people around her dislike and gradually alienate.

Phases are born from the heart, and words are born from the heart.

People who do not leave virtue on their lips are full of negative energy, and their inner world must be gloomy and barren.

Such a person will not only make himself more and more tired, but in the long run, he will also lose a lot of friends.

The more far-sighted people are, the more they know how to be cautious in their words and deeds, and grasp the proportions.

A truly far-sighted person will leave these 3 paths for himself before the age of 40


Be a man and leave a way, accumulate goodness

In life, everyone has times when they encounter difficulties.

If you don't take advantage of the benefits and leave room for others, someone will be willing to walk with you.

Zhihu user @徐大威 shared an experience of his own.

Once, when Xu Dawei was negotiating business with a large enterprise on behalf of the unit, he happened to catch up with the company's supplier and made a mistake.

The person in charge of this company said that he was willing to let Xu Dawei's company take over all the business.

Xu Dawei reported the situation to his leader, but the leader told him: "You can't take it all and leave a part of the business for the original supplier." ”

Xu Dawei was puzzled by the leader's thoughts, but he still did as instructed.

He told the head of the company that he would only take over part of the business.

A few years later, the project manager of that supplier regrouped and the business grew bigger.

By chance, the manager learned that Xu Dawei was doing online training business, so he took the initiative to invite him to conduct training and gave him a good reward.

After this incident, Xu Dawei also understood the deep meaning of the leadership back then.

In life, no one can exist alone without others.

To help others is to help yourself.

Today, if you hold an umbrella for others, on another day, when your house leaks and it rains overnight, others will also lay a tile for you.

As the saying goes: "When it is convenient, it is convenient to do it, and you have to be forgiving and forgiving." ”

No matter how strong a person is, his ability and luck are limited after all.

Leaving a way for others to survive is actually leaving a way back for yourself.

Accumulate kindness and altruism, and your life path will be wider and wider, and your line will be stable and far-reaching.

A truly far-sighted person will leave these 3 paths for himself before the age of 40


In life, there are always some unexpected things that catch us off guard.

Preparing for everything in advance is leaving room for manoeuvre.

This is not only the wisdom of doing things, but also a manifestation of responsibility.

There is money in his pocket, calm and relaxed;

speak in a measured manner, please yourself and others;

There is room for doing things, and we will see each other in the future.

May we have money in our pockets, virtue in our mouths, stay a way for ourselves, and harvest the best state of life.