
Solidly promote common prosperity

author:A black horse that can fly

Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, winning the battle against poverty, building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, and gradually realizing the common prosperity of all the people have been placed in an important position. We must take the promotion of common prosperity of all the people as the focus of efforts to seek happiness for the people, consolidate the driving force for high-quality development, improve the threshold of the system, enrich the connotation of spiritual culture, promote common prosperity, and achieve social harmony and stability.

Common prosperity requires the development of "driving force." The premise and foundation of common prosperity is the high development of social productive forces, and it is necessary to put the promotion of high-quality development in the first place, vigorously develop social productive forces, and constantly make the "cake" higher and bigger to provide a material foundation for common prosperity. It is necessary to encourage industriousness, innovation, and prosperity, actively provide the masses of the people with opportunities to create and get rich, improve their ability to get rich and start a business, comprehensively enhance their ability to get rich, form a development environment in which everyone participates, avoid "lying flat," and prevent "helfarism" from raising lazy people.

Common prosperity requires the improvement of the "system." Common prosperity is the common prosperity of all the people, not a "minority", nor an "average", emphasizing that the first to get rich brings then the rich. It is necessary to take the fundamental interests of the people as the coordinates, adhere to the "two unwavering," strengthen the awareness of "catching up with the examination," strengthen the construction of the social governance system, strengthen and innovate grass-roots social governance, improve the basic public service standards, innovate the implementation mechanism, refrain from engaging in "gimmicks," set reasonable goals, do our best, do what we can, and do not take the "side door" to get rich.

Common prosperity should enrich the "spirit." "The people's material and spiritual lives are rich", which means that material wealth and spiritual prosperity are the two major dimensions of common prosperity, which must be promoted simultaneously and must not be abandoned. To this end, while living a "comfortable" life, it is necessary to strengthen the guidance of the core socialist values, strengthen ideological education, develop public cultural undertakings, meet the spiritual and cultural needs of the people, let the people have a sense of gain, happiness, and security, and promote the common prosperity of the people's spiritual life.