
Magic Story: In order to protect the homeland, the animals are small ingenuity

author:Peninsula maple mT6z

For children, anime or animation is more able to attract their attention than some movies that make it difficult to watch and understand, as well as constantly discover problems in the process, inspire intelligence, and constantly think.

Magic Story: In order to protect the homeland, the animals are small ingenuity

"Spirited Away" is no stranger to everyone, Miyazaki's movie is also what we like to hear, what impressed me most was Chihiro's panic and insistence on saving her parents when she saw her parents turn into pigs because of greed. The anime of Bo Niu and Sosuke is also deeply popular, and some love is not vigorous, but long-term companionship and protection.

The Magic Story I recommend today is suitable for all ages. A thousand readers have a thousand Hamlets, and presumably every viewer will have their own different opinions. The small animals in it are not convinced by each other, trying their best to exclude other animals, and it is not like the scene in real life, when people are looking for jobs. As the contradictions are ignited, the storyline takes a sudden turn, and finally an agreement is reached to deal with the bad guys together.

Magic Story: In order to protect the homeland, the animals are small ingenuity

Evil people will eventually be punished accordingly, stray animals also have a warm home, this animated movie, let me benefit the most is, if you have pets, please do not randomly discard them, let alone hurt them.

Magic Story: In order to protect the homeland, the animals are small ingenuity

Please be kind to the people or animals around you, and use a good heart to touch the evil people in your heart.

Magic Story: In order to protect the homeland, the animals are small ingenuity

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