
Oracle Weekly Literacy|Xin, 䇂

author:Zen healing
Oracle Weekly Literacy|Xin, 䇂


Xin: The oracle bone inscription "Xin" resembles a chisel tool, used for logging and punishment. One is like a top-down split piece of wood. It is used in divination as a day of the heavenly stem. In the Six Books it belongs to pictograms.

【Common glyphs of Xin characters】

Oracle Weekly Literacy|Xin, 䇂

Source: Oracle Dictionary of Common Words

Oracle Weekly Literacy|Xin, 䇂


䇂 (qiān): The oracle bone inscription "䇂" resembles a sickle-like tool, which is used to weed and harvest grain, which is the original text of "乂". It is used as a personal name or a place name in divination. In the Six Books it belongs to pictograms.

【Common glyphs of 䇂字】

Oracle Weekly Literacy|Xin, 䇂

Source: Oracle Dictionary of Common Words