
Zhou Hongyi's "祎" can not be pronounced wěi! What should be the correct pronunciation?

author:A guest history said

Zhou Hongyi's name, do you really know how to read it?

In the science and technology circle, Zhou Hongyi's name is a household name.

But did you know that the character "祎" in his name is often mispronounced as wěi, which is really embarrassing!

Actually, the correct pronunciation of that word is yī! Yes, you heard it right, it's the pronunciation of "clothes". This word has a beautiful meaning in ancient Chinese, and is usually used to describe beautiful jade or beautiful appearance.

Zhou Hongyi's "祎" can not be pronounced wěi! What should be the correct pronunciation?

So, the next time you see the name Zhou Hongyi, don't mispronounce it again!

On the one hand, it may be because the character "祎" is not commonly used in daily life, so many people are not familiar with it, and on the other hand, it may be influenced by the similar character "wěi", which makes people unconsciously mispronounce the pronunciation.

Look it up in the dictionary!

Speaking of Zhou Hongyi, the story of this technology tycoon is always talked about. From founding 360 to leading teams to build many well-known security products, he has been a leader in the field of Internet security.

However, his name often becomes people's "laughing point", just because the word "Yi" is too easy for people to "get bored".

Zhou Hongyi's "祎" can not be pronounced wěi! What should be the correct pronunciation?

Imagine that you are on a tall science and technology forum, and you want to talk to the people next to you about Zhou Hongyi's latest developments, but you read "Yi" as wěi with one mouth, and the embarrassing atmosphere can make people use their toes to cut out a three-bedroom and a living room!

In order to avoid this embarrassment, we have to popularize the correct pronunciation of this word. In fact, the original meaning of "Yi" is beautiful and precious.

In ancient texts, we can often see the word used to describe beautiful jade or beautiful things. So, when you read this word correctly, not only do you avoid embarrassment, but you can also invisibly improve your cultural literacy, so why not?

Zhou Hongyi's "Yi", like himself, is unique and eye-catching. He is not only a leader in the technology world, but also an innovative entrepreneur. His name, like his career, deserves to be known and respected with our hearts.

Zhou Hongyi's "祎" can not be pronounced wěi! What should be the correct pronunciation?

At this point, you can't wait to correct your previous mispronunciation? Don't worry, it's not too late to know! The next time you talk to someone about Zhou Hongyi, be sure to confidently pronounce the sound "yī" so that you can show professionalism and confidence in science and technology topics.

Moreover, after learning the correct pronunciation of "祎", you can also show off your cultural knowledge at a gathering of friends, so that everyone will be impressed by your erudition.

Now, now that we know the correct pronunciation of "Yi", the next time we see or mention Zhou Hongyi's name, don't mispronounce it again!

Finally, let us praise Zhou Hongyi and pay tribute to his innovation and contribution!