
Missing a person, without saying much, the other party will feel missed, and there will be induction You have not said a word of missing, but the other party has heard your unspoken meaning People who really like you will think of you all the time

author:Mu Mu loves to chase dramas
Missing a person, without saying much, the other party will feel missed, and there will be induction You have not said a word of missing, but the other party has heard your unspoken meaning People who really like you will think of you all the time

Zhang Ailing said: If a woman must rely on her words to impress a man, then she is too pitiful.

The more you go on, the more you find that true love is never expressed by words, the more love that can be easily said, the more difficult it is to see its thickness, think about it carefully, how many of the feelings that can be easily said to love are out of sincerity, and how many can finally go on for a long time? Most of them are like a puff of smoke, blowing lightly, leaving no ripples.

On the contrary, those who never say love, ordinary feelings are the most lasting and deepest.

Missing a person, without saying much, the other party will feel missed, and there will be induction You have not said a word of missing, but the other party has heard your unspoken meaning People who really like you will think of you all the time

Love is not expressed by words, and we judge a person's feelings for himself, not by how many love words he says, but from the details to understand.

Words like "I love you" sound as pale and feeble as "what to eat today" at this age, and it is difficult to ripple in the bottom of the heart.

Similarly, the lover of "I miss you" may only be a lonely and boring expression, and the person who listens to it will only go in and out of the left ear and the right ear, and will not feel excited.

Missing and liking these words, there is no need to say it directly, and the thoughts that are easily spoken may not really enter the heart, and the real misses, in fact, do not need to say much, the other party can feel it.

Missing a person, without saying much, the other party will feel missed, and there will be induction You have not said a word of missing, but the other party has heard your unspoken meaning People who really like you will think of you all the time

We all say that the two people who like each other are telepathic, the transmission between the eyes, the unconscious proximity between the limbs, are telling love, the two people have not confessed to each other, have not said a word of liking, but can feel each other's affection for themselves.

Similarly, the two sides who miss each other will also have telepathy, in the days when they have not met, each other is silently thinking about each other in their hearts, the two people do not have to deliberately contact each other every day, nor do they need to say some meaty and missed love words on social platforms frequently, but you are convinced that the other party is also thinking of you.

In daily life, our limbs will have some physiological reactions, such as ear fever, will be understood as someone thinking about you, these physical performances do not see their authenticity, but also represent a good hope for everyone, can also reflect that being missed is actually really feeling.

Miss each other, there will be a lot of tacit understanding between the two of you, when you send him a message, he also just sent you over, and when you are planning to buy a ticket to find him, he may have rushed to you in advance.

Some people say: If you miss a sound, I am afraid that the other party is already deafening.

Even if there is no sound, the miss will cross the vast mountains and rivers and let the other party know.

Of course, the premise is that the person also likes you and thinks about you, if it is only unrequited love, there will be no tacit induction.

Missing a person, without saying much, the other party will feel missed, and there will be induction You have not said a word of missing, but the other party has heard your unspoken meaning People who really like you will think of you all the time

The best love is that the other party can hear your unspoken meaning, can understand your voice, and he has received the words you have not spoken.

Mature love, no longer like a child, will always stick to each other, when missing will immediately let him put down a moment to accompany you, such a like is only for their own selfishness, not true love at all.

True love is that even if I miss you very much, but know that you have more important things to do, I will resist my own thoughts, will not say a word, let you feel at ease to do what you should do.

As the other side, he can know how restrained you are behind your understanding, know that you pretend to be generous on the surface, but in fact, in your heart, he is very eager for him to be by your side, so he will let go of the matter at hand and run to you at the first time.

Girls and boys have experienced a period of long-distance love, girls always report good news and do not report worries every time, pretend to be very sensible, and do not let the boys be distracted.

But missing is always sudden and pervasive, especially when you are wronged, you want the company of the other party.

Once a woman was wronged at work, and did not cry with the man, but that day became a little calm, a little silent, no longer as usual twittering and sharing the day's events with him, the man felt her change, immediately bought a ticket the next day rushed to her side.

People who really care about you, many words do not need you to take the initiative to say, he can feel, your misses, your grievances, he knows, will run to you at the first time, smooth your heart.

Missing a person, without saying much, the other party will feel missed, and there will be induction You have not said a word of missing, but the other party has heard your unspoken meaning People who really like you will think of you all the time

In fact, all telepathy in this world is the result of the intentions of two people.

It sounds very mysterious, in fact, as long as they like each other and remember each other, they will cultivate a natural tacit understanding.

For people who don't love you, he can't receive your eyes, he can't understand your hints, he doesn't do anything about you, he doesn't care about you at all, he won't pay attention to some of your subtle changes in behavior.

And for the person who loves you, even if he is concentrating on doing a thing, he can feel your eyes through the afterglow, will give you a response at the first time, even if two people are thousands of miles away, he will also give you timely reporting, giving you a sense of security, even if he is busy, he will also take a little time to send you a message. Even if he is straight and dull, he will be able to guess your mind and detect changes in your mood because of all his intentions for you.

Both of you are thinking about each other all the time, so it's not surprising to send messages to each other at the same time and send some words to make the other person pay attention to their bodies at the same time.

You will all give each other some care in the details, as soon as you have time, you will send messages to each other, so the surge of thoughts, even if you never say the three words "I miss you", how can the other party not feel it?

Missing a person, without saying much, the other party will feel missed, and there will be induction You have not said a word of missing, but the other party has heard your unspoken meaning People who really like you will think of you all the time

The person who loves you doesn't have to miss you, he will think of you.

The person who doesn't love you, even if you miss it to the bone, he won't feel it.

Therefore, everything in love needs to be happy with each other to have meaning.

The person who loves you, you don't need to say much, he knows, he will give you the same eager response.

People who don't love you, even if you say more, are just a waste of tongue, so there is no need to waste time.

Hopefully, we'll all be able to find the one who doesn't have to say much and has a common heart.