
The Clippers defeated the Mavericks to win G4, and Harden's post-game interview sparked heated discussions!

author:Wisboo knows the ball


首节开打,快船进攻端‬哈登‬、乔治‬、鲍科比‬不断‬输送‬火力‬,防守端‬更是‬令‬独行侠‬窒息‬,快船以39-16领先结束首节。 In the second quarter, Irving ushered in an explosion, scoring 12 points in less than two minutes to help the team close to a 20-point difference. 第三节‬独行侠彻底‬起‬势头‬,而‬快船‬陷入‬得分‬荒‬长发‬5分钟‬一分‬不得,独行侠‬将‬分差‬缩小到‬2分‬。 末节更是‬精彩‬,双方‬球星‬发力‬,东契奇‬制造‬犯规‬,欧文‬各种‬神仙球‬打进‬,乔治‬哈登‬不断‬送上‬回应‬,最后‬凭借‬哈登‬连续‬5次‬成‬功‬单打‬+乔治‬关键‬三分‬命中‬,快船‬锁定‬胜局‬!最终快船以116-111险胜独行侠将大比分扳至2-2平。

The Clippers defeated the Mavericks to win G4, and Harden's post-game interview sparked heated discussions!


1.哈登这轮系列赛打成大当家了!今天‬运筹帷幄,上半场先用撤步三分打出领先,末节又连续突破抛投砍下15分稳住局势。 He played 40 minutes, shooting 12-of-17, 4-of-5 from three-point range, 5-of-5 from the free-throw line, and exploded with 33 points, 6 rebounds, 7 assists, 1 steal and 1 block, with only 2 turnovers. In this series, I believe everyone will have a different opinion of Harden, who has managed to be as efficient as possible, using his full strength on both ends of the floor and staying aggressive. Harden's performance today is a microcosm of his entire series, efficient, tough, and not only is his overall contribution the best on the Clippers' side.

The Clippers defeated the Mavericks to win G4, and Harden's post-game interview sparked heated discussions!


The Clippers defeated the Mavericks to win G4, and Harden's post-game interview sparked heated discussions!

2.乔治神的时候真的跟乔丹似的,各种‬无解‬三分‬顶着‬防守‬投进‬,乔大将军不是开玩笑的[捂脸]...... 今天‬各种‬回应‬球‬打进‬,上‬半场‬14中‬9高效‬26分‬,末节‬送出‬一记‬超‬高‬难度‬负‬角度‬三分‬,稳住‬局势‬。 打了‬43分钟‬除了攻防一把抓之外,他也做到了扛起球队,甚至我想用“无所不能”来形容乔治今天的发挥。 George played 42 minutes, shooting 11-of-19 from the field and 7-of-10 from three-point range to finish with 33 points, 6 rebounds, 8 assists, 4 steals and 1 block.

The Clippers defeated the Mavericks to win G4, and Harden's post-game interview sparked heated discussions!

3. Wei Shao's efficiency in this game is still very low, he can't score layups on the offensive end, don't score free throws, make mistakes in passing, and can't grasp empty shots...... 但不得不承认威少的防守、二次‬策应‬、切入‬做的‬太好‬了,他‬现在对于快船的防守非常重要 甚至他取代了一部分伦纳德的作用,g2 g3的‬比赛‬特别明显 他一下去就开始输分,为啥?就是因为他在能加快节奏 打攻守转换 效率更高,东契奇、欧文这个系列赛的表现可以说自己超神,但真没在威少头上拿过几分,据统计‬:独行侠‬球员‬面对‬威少‬投篮‬命中率不足‬30%。 这就是‬为什么‬卢指导‬每次‬关键‬时刻防守‬回合‬上‬威少‬的原因‬!

The Clippers defeated the Mavericks to win G4, and Harden's post-game interview sparked heated discussions!

4. Bao Kobe was blown away by the referee today, obviously he didn't do anything, he just stood on the defensive end, and committed three fouls. In the end, he laughed [covering his face] [covering his face]...... But it really didn't affect Powell Bryant's play, and he really didn't drop the chain at critical moments, which could not only widen the point difference, but also help the Clippers break the deadlock! Powell was 4-of-8 from the field, 3-of-5 from three-point range, and scored 11 points and 1 steal

5. Zubac played really hard in this game, and he ate all the cakes at the critical moment, don't look at his efficiency is not so high, there are not many rebounds, and the plus/minus value doesn't seem to be so good. But in reality, if it weren't for the referee's targeting, Zubac showed enough toughness today that he didn't back down in the team's tough moments. Zubac, who shot 6-of-11 from the field, had 13 points, 3 rebounds, 1 assist, 1 steal, 1 block and 1 turnover, with a plus/minus of -1 on the court.

The Clippers defeated the Mavericks to win G4, and Harden's post-game interview sparked heated discussions!

6. Mann, Coffey, Plumlee, stable performance. But I have to praise Plumlee, the Clippers fell into a scoring panic and were about to be overtaken by the Mavericks, no one in the Clippers could stand up, but I didn't expect it to be Plumlee's three consecutive aerial relay dunks to score 6 points in a row to break the deadlock [cover face] [cover face], keep up the good work!

7. Xiaoka is completely embarrassed, the Clippers lost the two games Xiaoka played, and won the two games he missed...... These games are thanks to Harden for [like] [like]

The Clippers defeated the Mavericks to win G4, and Harden's post-game interview sparked heated discussions!


Doncic played 44 minutes, shooting 10-of-24, including 1-of-9 from three-point range and 8-of-10 from the free-throw line, to finish with 29 points, 10 rebounds, 10 assists and one block. 东契奇‬赛后‬主动‬揽责表示‬辜负‬欧文‬的表现‬,确实‬值得‬表扬‬。 但‬不得‬不‬点评‬:东契奇‬数据‬挺‬华丽‬,看‬了比赛‬的都‬清楚‬,一直‬在‬场上‬抱怨‬裁判‬,用‬眼神‬去‬防守‬,导致‬独行侠‬进攻‬、防守‬直接‬变成‬4打‬5。 一场下来被哈登一步过几次, 自己‬效率‬也‬低‬,还得给队友,裁判‬上压力。 Regardless of whether the game is good or not, I always complain about the referee's decision, and today the referee is already very lone ranger, right?

The Clippers defeated the Mavericks to win G4, and Harden's post-game interview sparked heated discussions!

Harden drew a foul and Doncic complained about the referee

Irving played 44 minutes, shooting 14-of-25, including 6-of-12 from three-point range and 6-of-6 from the free-throw line, for 40 points, seven rebounds and five assists. 快船‬领先‬30分‬的‬优势‬被‬欧文‬一个‬人追‬了回去‬,欧文‬这‬40分‬含金量‬可不低‬,几乎‬全是‬追‬分‬阶段‬的关键球‬,下半场‬一个‬人‬打了‬快船‬一个‬队‬,和‬乔治‬互飙‬神仙球‬,凭‬一己之力‬把‬比赛‬悬念‬拖‬回来‬,险些‬完成‬大逆转‬!

The Clippers defeated the Mavericks to win G4, and Harden's post-game interview sparked heated discussions!


The Clippers reporter just tweeted: "Leonard has been with the Clippers for five years and has suffered major injuries in the last four years...... 确实‬令人‬感到‬绝望。 哈登‬的‬表现‬无可‬挑剔‬,这‬就是‬今年‬我‬们‬引进‬哈登‬的原因‬,不能‬要求‬他‬带领‬我‬们‬拿下‬4场‬比赛‬,而且‬请他‬帮忙‬,拜托‬哈登‬了[祈祷][祈祷]......”

The Clippers defeated the Mavericks to win G4, and Harden's post-game interview sparked heated discussions!

It is estimated that Harden's worth in these 4 games will return to at least 30 million to 40 million, and if this round of the series is won, Harden will most likely renew his contract with the Clippers and strengthen the No. 4 position in the offseason. 据统计:本轮‬系列赛,哈登场均能得到26分4篮板7助攻1抢断1.3盖帽,投篮命中率54.1%,三分命中率50%,罚球命中率91.3%

The Clippers defeated the Mavericks to win G4, and Harden's post-game interview sparked heated discussions!


Harden spoke domineeringly after the game: Again, I will shut up those who look down on us. 我很幸运能够改变比赛‬,成为一个助攻者和得分手。 I've been doing this throughout my career. My mentality when I joined this team was to do whatever it took to win. There is no way back. Can't go back home from 3-1 down. For us, it's all or nothing...

The latest playoff standings:

The Clippers defeated the Mavericks to win G4, and Harden's post-game interview sparked heated discussions!

Thunder 3-0 Pelicans, Timberwolves 3-0 Suns

Nuggets 3-1 Clippers, Clippers 2-2 Mavericks
