
3 people died in the M7 car accident in the world, and the intelligent driving system equipped with it became "Rashomon"

author:Unicorn excavator
3 people died in the M7 car accident in the world, and the intelligent driving system equipped with it became "Rashomon"
3 people died in the M7 car accident in the world, and the intelligent driving system equipped with it became "Rashomon"

Are they all pots of intelligent driving systems?

Manual Labor/Digging Brother

Hand-edited / Uncle Horn

Produced by / Unicorn excavator

On April 26, a distressing car accident occurred in Yuncheng, Shanxi Province, where a Wenjie M7 caught fire before it rear-ended on the highway, killing three people.

In the introduction of the official website of Cialis, AITO is a new luxury new energy vehicle brand released by Cialis, Huawei has provided support for the AITO brand of Cialis from the whole process of product design, industrial chain management, quality management, software ecology, user management, brand marketing, sales channels, etc., and the two sides have complemented each other in the long-term cooperation, creating a new model of joint business and in-depth cross-border cooperation.

Because of the in-depth cooperation with Huawei, Cialis has become a star enterprise of new energy vehicles, and in the capital market, Cialis has also become a big bull stock in the past two years.

Therefore, this car accident has also attracted the attention of all parties, especially before, there are some "mythical" intelligent driving systems on the Internet in this accident, whether it is "dereliction of duty" has also become the focus of discussion.

According to media reports, Mu Mu (pseudonym), a family member of the victims, posted on social media that her younger brother was driving a Wenjie M7 at high speed in the Xia County section of Shanxi Province and caught fire after rear-end collision with a sprinkler truck in front of him in the overtaking lane. Her husband, brother and two-year-old son were killed.

According to the online video, at the time of the accident, the front part of the car suddenly caught fire and the fire was large, and someone at the scene tried to rescue it, but the rear door failed to open, and then the window was smashed.

Mu Mu introduced that the accident car was purchased in the Yuncheng 4s store on January 14, and the use time was only 3 months.

There are two main points that the family members question.

1: Maintenance vehicles occupy the fast lane, whether the speed is compliant, whether there are road warning signs, and whether the relevant safety measures are in place.

2: Whether the functions such as AEB automatic emergency braking function, GAEB special-shaped obstacle automatic emergency braking, ternary lithium battery, flame retardant materials and thermal runaway protection technology impact and airbags that have been advertised by his younger brother have played a role.

3 people died in the M7 car accident in the world, and the intelligent driving system equipped with it became "Rashomon"

On April 28, Wenjie issued a statement that it would provide all possible support to the family. In the intelligent driving system that has attracted much attention, Wenjie said that the model where the accident occurred was an entry-level non-intelligent driving version, which was not equipped with Huawei's high-end intelligent driving assistance system, but a Bosch solution.

It reads as follows:

1. The model involved in the accident is an entry-level non-intelligent driving version and is not equipped with Huawei's high-end intelligent driving assistance system. Instead, the Bosch scheme AEB has a working range of 4-85km/h, and the speed of 115km/h in the event of a collision has far exceeded the Bosch AEB trigger range;

2. The characteristics of the power battery pack of the accident vehicle are normal, which means that there is no spontaneous combustion of the battery, and the specific cause of the fire needs to wait for the investigation results of the traffic police department;

3. When the accident occurred, the airbag of the accident car was opened normally, and there was no situation that the airbag was not working.

This statement is also a little surprising to the outside world, because most car owners who buy the world are going to the Huawei brand. At the launch of the new M7 held in September last year, Yu Chengdong mentioned that "the AEB capability of Huawei's ADS2.0 system has been further improved, and the forward braking speed has been increased from 60km/h to 90km/h." ”

Bosch issued a statement on the traffic accident in Yuncheng, Shanxi, saying that after investigation, the vehicle involved was not equipped with the Bosch intelligent driving system (including AEB).

3 people died in the M7 car accident in the world, and the intelligent driving system equipped with it became "Rashomon"

Subsequently, another car blogger broke the news that the ADAS system of the vehicle involved in the accident actually came from FreeTech. As a service provider and product supplier of intelligent driving solutions, Foretek has not yet made a public position on this matter.

Yesterday's Britney, today's Mrs. Niu.

Who exactly uses this intelligent driving system? It remains to be further clarified by all parties.

This accident also serves as a wake-up call to the new energy tram industry, we can't exaggerate the role of the intelligent driving system, on the one hand, it is easy to mislead consumers, and the intelligent driving system is paralyzed and careless, on the other hand, once there is a major car accident, it may be countered by public opinion. (ENDS)