
Jiaoziya Town, Yongding District: The militia points out the soul of the army, and the officers and soldiers know each other to show their spirit

author:Red Net

Red Network Moment News, April 28 (Correspondent Li Hao) In order to test the organization and construction of the key militia personnel in Jiaoziya Town, Yongding District, and consolidate the results of the work of the whole group, on the morning of April 28, Jiaoziya Town, Yongding District, held the 2024 Key Militia Inspection and Officers and Soldiers Acquaintance Conference, Zhang Juexian, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and political commissar of the Colonel of the District People's Armed Forces Department, Liu Dehu, deputy civilian of the District People's Armed Forces Department, and You Xi, deputy director of the Organization Department of the District Party Committee, attended the meeting for inspection and guidance. Minister of Armed Forces Zhao Shushan presided over the meeting.

Jiaoziya Town, Yongding District: The militia points out the soul of the army, and the officers and soldiers know each other to show their spirit

"Forward! Forward! Forward! Forward! Our contingent marches to the sun!" The inspection meeting kicked off with the majestic and solemn "Military Song of the Chinese People's Liberation Army." The basic militia of Jiaoziya Town wore uniform camouflage uniforms and had a strict military appearance, and accepted the inspection with full spirit.

The meeting was organized and implemented one by one in strict accordance with the militia inspection procedures. At the meeting, Qin Shengliang, member of the town party committee and deputy mayor of the town, first read out the appointment of the backbone cadres of the basic militia detachment, Zhao Shushan, the head of the town's armed forces, announced the list of entry and exit teams and organized a roll call, and the representatives of the militia came to power, and Zhang Juexian, political commissar and deputy minister You Xi, unloaded the militia symbols for the militia representatives. Subsequently, 28 key militia members raised their right fists and solemnly swore at the meeting, and then Hu Haowen, the representative of the new militia, took the stage to speak, and the conference subsequently commended the advanced individuals in the militia work in 2023.

Jiaoziya Town, Yongding District: The militia points out the soul of the army, and the officers and soldiers know each other to show their spirit

At the end of the meeting, Li Fei, secretary of the town party committee, made detailed arrangements for the work tasks of the militia in Jiaoziya Town in 2024: first, ideological education should be strengthened. It is necessary to carry out regular ideological education and solid and effective national defense education activities; second, it is necessary to upgrade both hardware and software. While increasing investment in hardware, we should further readjust the layout of the troops, establish and improve the daily reporting system, vigorously grasp daily training, and strive to build the town militia force into a sharp knife force that "serves in peacetime, responds to emergencies in emergencies, and responds to battles in wartime." Third, it has played a more prominent role. All village (community) militia companies should give full play to the vitality of the militia organizations and the advantages of the young militia in daring to break new ground, and lead the broad masses of militia to actively participate in key work.

Jiaoziya Town, Yongding District: The militia points out the soul of the army, and the officers and soldiers know each other to show their spirit

Through this inspection, the work effectiveness of the militia organization in Jiaoziya Town was effectively tested, and the political literacy, professional ability and emergency preparedness level of the basic militia were further improved. In the next step, Jiaoziya Town will continue to implement the political responsibility of the party to manage the armed forces, promote the in-depth and practical inspection of the whole group of militia, and strive to forge a strong team that "comes when called, can fight, and will win the battle", so as to make greater contributions to the economic and social construction of the town.