
Is it good for the elderly to eat more pig blood? Pig blood fights cancer and supplements iron? Perhaps this is not the case

author:Dr. Jia Health Center
Is it good for the elderly to eat more pig blood? Pig blood fights cancer and supplements iron? Perhaps this is not the case

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Aunt Zhang is 72 years old this year and has always been in good health.

A few days ago, her old wife, Uncle Wang, suddenly had a much lower appetite than before, the amount of food dropped sharply, and her face became pale and weak.

Aunt Zhang was anxious and asked from side to place, and her neighbor Aunt Li told her:

"Your old man is afraid that he has anemia, so stew him more pig blood, supplement iron and strengthen his body, and ensure that it is effective!" He gave her a small note, on which the words "pig blood anti-cancer" and "pig blood iron supplement" were neatly copied.

Is it good for the elderly to eat more pig blood? Pig blood fights cancer and supplements iron? Perhaps this is not the case

Aunt Zhang was skeptical, and after thinking about it, Aunt Li worked in the outpatient department of the hospital when she was young, and what she said should make sense.

That night, Aunt Zhang bought a few pieces of fresh pig blood, and stewed a big pot with chicken and wolfberries, which was full of aroma.

Uncle Wang had a great appetite and drank two large bowls in a row. Aunt Zhang was secretly overjoyed and decided to give her wife more pig blood to replenish her body in the future.

Is it good for the elderly to eat more pig blood? Pig blood fights cancer and supplements iron? Perhaps this is not the case

For a few days, Uncle Wang's appetite improved, but his face still did not improve, but he felt a faint pain in his abdomen.

Aunt Zhang couldn't rest assured, so she took her wife to the hospital for a check-up.

The doctor carefully inquired about the medical history, did a blood routine and other examinations, and diagnosed Uncle Wang as suffering from a stomach ulcer, resulting in mild anemia.

The doctor told Uncle Wang to avoid irritating foods, eat more light and easy-to-digest diets, and prescribed some medicine for him to take.

Is it good for the elderly to eat more pig blood? Pig blood fights cancer and supplements iron? Perhaps this is not the case

The doctor turned his head and asked Aunt Zhang if he had eaten anything special for Uncle Wang recently.

Aunt Zhang truthfully told her that she heard that pig blood can fight cancer and supplement iron, and she has been stewing pig blood soup for her wife these days. When the doctor heard this, he said earnestly:

Is it good for the elderly to eat more pig blood? Pig blood fights cancer and supplements iron? Perhaps this is not the case

"Aunt Zhang, I understand that you are thinking about the health of your wife.

However, blindly believing in the efficacy of certain foods can be counterproductive.

First of all, pig blood does contain more iron, but excessive iron intake can also bring harm, such as aggravating inflammation and damaging the mucosa of the digestive tract.

Is it good for the elderly to eat more pig blood? Pig blood fights cancer and supplements iron? Perhaps this is not the case

Especially in patients with gastric ulcers, eating too much animal blood may increase the burden on the gastric mucosa.

Secondly, there is no definite basis for the so-called 'pig blood anti-cancer'. Conversely, pigs have higher levels of cholesterol and saturated fat in their blood, so cancer survivors should eat less.

In addition, the hygiene and safety of food ingredients is also crucial, and raw or undercooked pig blood may carry germs, posing a hidden danger to the health of the elderly. "

Is it good for the elderly to eat more pig blood? Pig blood fights cancer and supplements iron? Perhaps this is not the case

The doctor's words made Aunt Zhang suddenly realize. Looking back on these days, I was thinking about "mending my body" for my wife, but I did bad things with good intentions and almost made a big mistake.

She secretly decided that in the future, she would go to formal channels to learn health care knowledge, and she could not be misled by hearsay.

The anemia of the wife and children should also follow the doctor's instructions, supplement some high-quality protein, dark vegetables, and take an appropriate amount of tonic, and do not rush it.

Is it good for the elderly to eat more pig blood? Pig blood fights cancer and supplements iron? Perhaps this is not the case

Uncle Wang gradually recovered, followed the doctor's instructions to take medicine and adjust his diet, and soon regained his former spirit.

The two old people benefited a lot from this twist and turn - believing in science, staying away from rumors, and looking at life with peace of mind are the secrets of health and longevity.

Is it good for the elderly to eat more pig blood? Pig blood fights cancer and supplements iron? Perhaps this is not the case

From a medical point of view, proper consumption of clean, hygienic and cooked pig blood may not be harmful to the health of the general population.

However, for patients with certain diseases, excessive intake of blood-based foods may be adversely affected.

Taking anemia as an example, there are many causes of it, such as iron deficiency, megaloblastic disease, chronic disease, etc., which require symptomatic treatment.

Relying solely on a certain nutrient (such as iron) is not only ineffective, but may aggravate the pre-existing condition and delay the time for treatment.

Is it good for the elderly to eat more pig blood? Pig blood fights cancer and supplements iron? Perhaps this is not the case

Cancer patients need to be more cautious about home remedies.

During anti-cancer treatment, the patient's diet should be light and nutritious, and avoid excessive intake of high-cholesterol foods such as animal blood and liver.

Studies suggest that excessive intake of saturated fat and cholesterol may increase the risk of tumor recurrence and metastasis.

Cancer survivors should formulate a scientific diet plan under the guidance of a doctor, and avoid superstitious folk remedies or indiscriminate obsession with certain types of food.

Is it good for the elderly to eat more pig blood? Pig blood fights cancer and supplements iron? Perhaps this is not the case

All in all, the statement that "pig blood fights cancer and supplements iron" lacks scientific basis, and blind food supplements may be self-defeating and endanger health.

The experience of Aunt Zhang and Uncle Wang is a wake-up call for us: staying rational and sober, and improving the ability to screen rumors, is the best way to stay away from disease.

As the saying goes, "eat carefully, work and rest regularly, and live happily" is the true meaning of health.

Is it good for the elderly to eat more pig blood? Pig blood fights cancer and supplements iron? Perhaps this is not the case

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(The story in the article is purely fictional, if there is any similarity is purely coincidental, if the body is not well, seek medical help in time)