
it! Hurt one more! It's going to be Black Six again....

{"info":{"title":{"content":"卧槽!再伤一个!又要黑六了....","en":"it! Hurt one more! It's going to be Black Six again...."},"description":{"content":"岌岌可危的不止湖人和太阳,还有雄鹿....根据shams的报道,利拉德遭遇一级跟腱拉伤,已经不太可能出战系列赛G4的比赛...","en":"It's not just the Lakers and Suns who are at stake, but also the Bucks.... According to a report from Shams, Lillard has suffered a Grade 1 Achilles tendon strain and is unlikely to play in Series G4..."}},"items":[]}