
Truly share an emotional experience, from recognition to familiarity.

author:Blind date emotional story collection
{"info":{"title":{"content":"真实分享一段情感经历,从认识到熟悉全过程。","en":"Truly share an emotional experience, from recognition to familiarity."},"description":{"content":"现在还没缓过来,想把这段感情经历和心路历程记录下来,现在也没什么顾虑了,和她也不会再有任何瓜葛了。我92年的。故事的起点...","en":"I haven't eased up yet, I want to record this relationship experience and mental journey, and now I don't have any worries, and I won't have anything to do with her anymore. I'm 92 years old. The beginning of the story..."}},"items":[]}