
He single-handedly created the three armies of the Red Army, died at the age of 28, and his son later became the premier of the State Council

author:Zhu Xiaoyue loves Kanyu
{"info":{"title":{"content":"凭一己之力创建红军三个军,牺牲年仅28岁,儿子后来成国务院总理","en":"He single-handedly created the three armies of the Red Army, died at the age of 28, and his son later became the premier of the State Council"},"description":{"content":"阅读此文前,诚邀您点击一下“关注”按钮,方便以后持续为您推送此类文章,同时也便于您进行讨论与分享,文|朱小悦爱侃娱编辑|...","en":"Before reading this article, I sincerely invite you to click the \"Follow\" button, so that you can continue to push such articles in the future, and it is also convenient for you to discuss and share."}},"items":[]}