
It was revealed that Ronaldo asked the former Manchester United manager: I will play 4 games in 5 games!

{"info":{"title":{"content":"曝C罗要求前曼联主帅:5场我要踢4场!轮休1场回家看电视","en":"It was revealed that Ronaldo asked the former Manchester United manager: I will play 4 games in 5 games!"},"description":{"content":"曝C罗要求前曼联主帅:5场我要踢4场!轮休1场回家看电视叶青足球世界2024-04-2815:59发布于湖北体育领域创作...","en":"It was revealed that Ronaldo asked the former Manchester United manager: I want to play 4 games in 5 games!1 game off and go home to watch TV Ye Qing Football World2024-04-2815:59Published in Hubei Sports Creation..."}},"items":[]}