
Israel's far-right Minister of National Security has openly called for the killing of prisoners of war

author:Shotaku Sansui
{"info":{"title":{"content":"以色列极右翼国家安全部长公然叫嚣要杀掉战俘","en":"Israel's far-right Minister of National Security has openly called for the killing of prisoners of war"},"description":{"content":"活捉的战俘太多了,以色列应该杀掉俘虏!以色列极右翼强硬派顽固分子国家安全部长伊塔马尔·本格维尔再次叫嚣令人震惊的极端狂妄...","en":"There are too many prisoners of war captured alive, and Israel should kill them! Itamar Bengvir, the Minister of National Security for Israel's far-right hardliners, has once again shouted for shocking extreme hubris..."}},"items":[]}