
The era of chip freedom after China's change of track is coming: making glass wafers may not require lithography machines

author:Uncle Rongcheng's vicissitudes
{"info":{"title":{"content":"中国换赛道后的芯片自由时代将来临:造玻璃晶圆或不需要光刻机","en":"The era of chip freedom after China's change of track is coming: making glass wafers may not require lithography machines"},"description":{"content":"回想起当年的一句豪言壮语:“封锁吧!封锁它十年八年,中国的一切问题都解决了。”这句话在今日重温,依旧让人热血沸腾,充满力...","en":"I recall a bold remark in those years: \"Blockade it! After 10 or 8 years of blockade, all China's problems have been solved.\" This sentence is revisited today, and it still makes people's blood boil and full of power..."}},"items":[]}