
The national feather men's team kept a clean sheet against the Australian team, and the team got off to a good start

author:Chengdu International Railway Port
{"info":{"title":{"content":"国羽男队零封澳大利亚队拿下开门红","en":"The national feather men's team kept a clean sheet against the Australian team, and the team got off to a good start"},"description":{"content":"【#国羽男队零封澳大利亚队拿下开门红#】4月27日,成都2024汤尤杯正式开赛。在上午进行的比赛中,国羽女队5比0横扫新...","en":"【#国羽男队零封澳大利亚队拿下开门红#】On April 27, the Chengdu 2024 Tangyou Cup officially kicked off. In the morning game, the national feather women's team swept the new 5-0..."}},"items":[]}