
What is the meaning and meaning of "New Year"?


The annual Spring Festival is coming again, although this year affected by the epidemic, there may be many people who will celebrate the New Year in a different place, but in people's minds, the New Year is still the most important festival in China's traditional culture. So, some people ask: what is the New Year, and what is the meaning of "New Year"? What is the significance of the New Year?

What is the meaning and meaning of "New Year"?
What is the meaning and meaning of "New Year"?

Throughout the history of our country, as early as the Shang Dynasty more than 3600 years ago, there was the term "Spring Festival", as a festival, but also at the end of the year to celebrate the harvest, worship the gods of heaven and earth, ancestors, exorcism and blessings and other activities similar to the current New Year's Day. Therefore, according to the various sayings and practices of the ancient ancestors for a long time, the meaning of the New Year is to spend the "New Year Festival", that is, during the Spring Festival, many folk customs and cultural activities for the New Year should be carried out, such as removing the old and welcoming the new year, celebrating the harvest, worshipping the gods and worshipping the ancestors, driving away evil spirits, praying for the New Year, etc. The forms are diverse, colorful, lively and festive, and there are very strong "New Year's flavor" grand festivals. Therefore, the New Year is a condensation of the Chinese nation, and the traditional civilization inherited by the descendants of The Chinese People for thousands of years is also the essence of China's ancient culture.

What is the meaning and meaning of "New Year"?

Although the current New Year in the form and activities, with the changes of the times and the development of society, there have been many huge changes, many people still think that the current New Year, "New Year's taste" has become very diluted, but as an important and largest historical traditional cultural festival in Our country, the author believes that even today, the New Year still has a relatively important practical significance.

What is the meaning and meaning of "New Year"?

The whole family is reunited and the family is happy. As the saying goes, "If you have money and no money, go home for the New Year". All year round, the family usually runs around, studying, working, earning money, etc., the New Year, do not want to earn much money, the key is that the whole family can return home safely, healthily and happily, to achieve a reunion, happy to spend the New Year together, so as to feel the happiness of the family's happiness and health.

What is the meaning and meaning of "New Year"?

Resign from the old year and usher in the new year. The new year has always had the important significance of giving people hope. Everyone always hopes that the year will be better and better, and the new year will be stronger than the old year. Especially the happiest is the children, after a year, another year older, healthy and strong, is the new hope of adults. Everyone will hope that after removing the old age, everything will be better in the new year.

What is the meaning and meaning of "New Year"?

Celebrating the harvest summary outlook. During the New Year, the family is reunited at home, usually there is not much time to communicate, taking advantage of the New Year's leisure time, not only to celebrate the achievements and harvests in all aspects of the family in the past year, but also to seriously sum up the lessons learned, more importantly, you can look forward to and arrange how to do a better job in the new year.

What is the meaning and meaning of "New Year"?

Worship ancestors to remove the old blessings. There is also a more important part of the New Year, that is, worshipping ancestors, in addition to remembering and remembering the teachings of the ancestors, in fact, it is also motivating yourself to work harder in the new year. Before the New Year, people will also carry out a thorough sanitation cleaning, the purpose is also to show that the New Year is clean and clean, and to welcome the new blessings of the New Year with a new face.

What is the meaning and meaning of "New Year"?
What is the meaning and meaning of "New Year"?

Visit relatives and friends to contact family. Make full use of the New Year's holiday time, take the opportunity to visit relatives and friends, and give everyone a new year's greeting, not only can contact family and friendship, but also can seriously and carefully appreciate the great new changes in their hometown and the whole country. What do you think?

What is the meaning and meaning of "New Year"?
What is the meaning and meaning of "New Year"?
What is the meaning and meaning of "New Year"?

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