
More and more elderly people are infected with AIDS, 44% are over 50 years old, netizens: more than young people


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More and more elderly people are infected with AIDS, 44% are over 50 years old, netizens: more than young people

Event Overview:

We have the impression that AIDS seems to be closely linked to young people, and now the number of elderly AIDS patients is quietly rising, accounting for about half, and the number of men is three times that of women!


According to a paper published in the Chinese Journal of Epidemiology, the proportion of patients aged 50 and over among the newly reported cases in mainland China each year has increased from 22% in 2011 to 44% in 2020. The paper in the Chinese Journal of Epidemiology also pointed out that among the elderly people living with HIV, men are about three times more likely than women, and those infected are less educated and mainly engaged in agricultural activities, of which heterosexual transmission accounts for 90.9%.
More and more elderly people are infected with AIDS, 44% are over 50 years old, netizens: more than young people

Why are more and more elderly people contracting AIDS? Are they disoriented by their mobile lives, or are they overwhelmed by their repressed sexual needs, or are they seeking solace in their lonely old age?

More and more elderly people are infected with AIDS, 44% are over 50 years old, netizens: more than young people

"The sexual needs of older people should not be ignored or discriminated against. That's an expert's sentiment.

Let's see what netizens have to say

I always thought that AIDS was far away from the elderly, but I didn't expect it to be so serious

More and more elderly people are infected with AIDS, 44% are over 50 years old, netizens: more than young people

The proportion of elderly AIDS patients is so high, and there are so many more men than women

More and more elderly people are infected with AIDS, 44% are over 50 years old, netizens: more than young people

Older people also have their own emotions and needs, and we can't ignore them just because they're old

More and more elderly people are infected with AIDS, 44% are over 50 years old, netizens: more than young people

Why are so many elderly people infected? Is it the influence of the social environment, or the lack of personal awareness

More and more elderly people are infected with AIDS, 44% are over 50 years old, netizens: more than young people
More and more elderly people are infected with AIDS, 44% are over 50 years old, netizens: more than young people