
Why does the largest gang in the United States have frequent contacts with al-Qaida? Trump: "Beast"

author:Bento fungi

In the Americas, especially in Central and South America, including the United States, there is a large mafia organization called the "Barbarian Salvadorans" or "MS-13".

The reason for these two names is that the organization was initiated in San Salvador, the capital of El Salvador, and the composition is mainly Salvadoran, and because in the United States, the "old nest" of this organization was on 13th Street in Los Angeles.

"MS-13" first appeared in the 1970s. There is a small country called El Salvador in the coastal area of northern Central America, which in the 1980s and 1990s was plagued by civil wars and armed conflicts that broke out all year round.

Why does the largest gang in the United States have frequent contacts with al-Qaida? Trump: "Beast"

Due to the war, El Salvador's economy is backward, the people are not happy, and the country is full of gangsters. Some of the refugees from the war in El Salvador, as well as some armed elements of various forces, fled to the United States and other Central American countries.

In these countries, they generally have no legal status, are bullied by the locals, and have no security in their lives, so they unite to protect themselves and engage in some illegal and criminal activities. With the continuous expansion of personnel, it gradually developed from a small gangster gang into a vicious underworld organization.

Why does the largest gang in the United States have frequent contacts with al-Qaida? Trump: "Beast"

So far, this organization has become the only transnational triad organization in the United States, with members in various countries and regions in the Americas, and according to statistics, there are about 500,000 people in the world.

El Salvador is very small, only 20,000 square kilometers, but it has a population of 6 million, and the population density is very large. Originally, it was inhabited by Indians, but after being occupied by Spanish colonists, in order to be independent, perennial war, the society was very unstable, the country's economy was backward, the streets were full of violence and fear, and the underworld organizations were rampant, and it was even once called the underworld gathering place.

On the streets, you will often see tattooed and saber-wielding gangsters. Some members of the underworld were even armed with rifles and grenades, and there were frequent firefights between organizations, killing dozens of people every day in severe cases. More than 3,400 people were killed in the first half of 2015, and you can imagine how chaotic the country is.

Why does the largest gang in the United States have frequent contacts with al-Qaida? Trump: "Beast"

Not only in El Salvador, but also in Honduras, "MS-13" is also rampant.

On Christmas Eve 2004, in the northern region of Honduras, several "MS-13" members attacked a bus, brutally shooting 23 passengers inside, including some children.

In 2005, MS-13 dispatched an militant armed man with a grenade launcher to premeditate the assassination of Honduran President Maduro and to publicly issue death threats to the President and his family, often kidnapping government officials, in a clear attempt to provoke the Honduran Government.

This is due to the fact that at one point the number of members of the "MS-13" group in Honduras reached 36,000, while the Honduran troops were no more than 15,000, and the Honduran security services have treated them like rebels.

Why does the largest gang in the United States have frequent contacts with al-Qaida? Trump: "Beast"

Although the MS-13 originated in El Salvador, it rose to prominence in Los Angeles, USA. In the past decade or so, the "MS-13" has developed rapidly in the United States, and there are members and organizations of "MS-13" in Los Angeles, Washington, New York and other major cities.

As a result of the war, Salvadorans poured into the southern United States, which was originally Mexican territory, but before the Americans came, now there are so many Salvadorans. This led to a large number of conflicts, and in order to survive, Salvadorans had to organize and huddle together for warmth.

Gradually from "self-protection" to violence, at the beginning of the "MS-13" mainly based on roadblocks, robberies, extortion and other "small fights" for a living, resulting in more than half of the public security cases in nearby countries are committed by members of the "MS-13" organization.

Why does the largest gang in the United States have frequent contacts with al-Qaida? Trump: "Beast"

The US police once struck a heavy blow at the "MS-13", concentrated on destroying the "MS-13" organization, and arrested its members, and as a result, they repatriated the captured "MS-13" leaders back to El Salvador, which was counterproductive and even led to one of the reasons for the development and growth of the "MS-13" in the future.

Because the repatriated "MS-13" leaders have relatives and friends in El Salvador, although they were repatriated, due to the large gap between the economic conditions and social environment between the two places, the local relatives and friends in El Salvador coveted the life of the repatriated people in the United States, and eventually those leaders came back with "folks".

With the expansion of the team and the increasing power, the "MS-13" has also begun to get involved in criminal activities such as drugs, smuggling, and human trafficking. The US police believe that most of the smuggling and smuggling on the border between the United States and Mexico are committed by them.

Why does the largest gang in the United States have frequent contacts with al-Qaida? Trump: "Beast"

The CIA once found that the "MS-13" had frequent contacts with al-Qaida, helping al-Qaida elements to smuggle into the United States, posing a great threat to U.S. national security.

In 2017, during trump's tenure as US president, he announced that he would sweep up the gang organization "MS-13" and arrested hundreds of members of the "MS-13" group.

"MS-13" is considered one of the most murderous street gangsters in U.S. history, so much so that former U.S. President Donald Trump called them "animals" and "thugs."

Why does the largest gang in the United States have frequent contacts with al-Qaida? Trump: "Beast"

One of the characteristics of the members of the "MS-13" is that they are tattooed on the body and even on the face, and the members they recruit are mostly criminals who have been released from prison and young people with poor families and radical thoughts, the youngest is even a few years old, they are evil and cruel, they require members to be extremely loyal to the organization, otherwise they will be mutilated or even killed, and they are a typical group of outlaws, they burn and loot without evil.

In 2002, members of ms-13 abducted a woman in North Carolina while she was in her car with her child, and the mob wantonly raped her in the back seat of the car.

That same year, in the Boston area, members of the "MS-13" group blatantly raped two teenage deaf girls in a park, and even dragged one of the girls out of a wheelchair, threw them on a park bench, beat them fiercely and raped them.

Why does the largest gang in the United States have frequent contacts with al-Qaida? Trump: "Beast"

Over the past few years, the members of the "MS-13" organization have committed countless and abhorrent acts, and they often kill people and overshoot goods, burn and plunder, and even behead, dig hearts, force underage girls into sex slavery, and instigate teenagers to slash and rob.

In 2017, more than a dozen members of the "MS-13" group lured a man into a park in Maryland, where several killers stabbed him more than 100 times and cut off his head and dug out his heart.

In addition, an 18-year-old female member of "MS-13" once confessed that she was involved in the killing of a 15-year-old girl, and the reason for the girl's killing was to get revenge on the girl's boyfriend. The 18-year-old female member of "MS-13" also brutally stabbed the 15-year-old girl more than ten times and showed the video of the murder to the gang's superiors.

These people are very cruel, and when they find someone informing, they will destroy the entire family of the informant, even the elderly and children, and sometimes even the corpses will be cut into pieces for revenge. ”

Why does the largest gang in the United States have frequent contacts with al-Qaida? Trump: "Beast"

In September 2001, members of MS-13 lured a member of a hostile organization to their residence, drugged him, and then stabbed him to death with a knife in a nearby park.

A female member of ms-13 revealed the situation to the police, who took close protective measures against her because she could not resist contacting the gang, which said it would not hold her accountable.

However, one day in July 2003, her body was found while fishing in the Sharon River, she was strangled by a rope from behind, her chest was cut 16 times, her throat had been cut into 3 segments, she was only 17 years old at the time of her murder and was 5 months pregnant.

MS-13 has its own set of ways to join members.

Someone once saw a teenage boy who found a member of the "MS-13" organization because he did not want to be bullied by other children and applied to join the "MS-13" organization.

Why does the largest gang in the United States have frequent contacts with al-Qaida? Trump: "Beast"

The members of these "MS-13" organizations actually surrounded the little boy and beat him, one of them stood on the periphery and counted, when the number reached 13, the beating stopped, the little boy had been beaten dizzy, could not stand up, at this time the members of the organization rushed up to hug the little boy to celebrate, it turned out that when a person applied to join the organization, after withstanding the 13-second beating, even if he withstood the test, he passed the membership.

Of course, this is only one of the "MS-13" membership tests, many times the ceremony of applying for membership and the test of the joiner is not so simple, in order to increase the difficulty and test the ability of the new recruit, they will even ask the new recruit to commit a crime to test their courage and viciousness.

Why does the largest gang in the United States have frequent contacts with al-Qaida? Trump: "Beast"

Including robberies, rapes, fights, etc., the unlucky ones have not yet passed the test and are killed. Some applicants kill people during the test, such people, as soon as they enter the organization, can get high titles and status, here, basically in terms of viciousness and cruelty to "heroes".

Some women who want to join may be gang-raped in addition to completing tests for crime and physical harm. After passing the test, it is necessary to complete the tattoo ceremony, mainly on the tattoo of the organization of the logo, the decoration of the publicity, which will also show the skills and specialties in the tattoo, of course, are used for crime and violence skills.

One of the characteristics of the "MS-13" organization is that the members are younger, and people who join this organization often apply to join due to impulsiveness and small goals, but once they join, they cannot quit, the so-called so-called ship is easy to get off the ship, and people who join the "MS-13" organization cannot withdraw from the association for life, if they want to forcibly leave, there is only one outcome is death.

Why does the largest gang in the United States have frequent contacts with al-Qaida? Trump: "Beast"

There was once a 16-year-old boy who did not want to stay in "MS-13" and fled from Guatemala to the United States for this reason, and was deported because he did not have legal documents. After returning to Guatemala, he was too frightened to go out, until a dozen days later, because his relatives had an accident, he was killed that night, and his body was dismembered into six pieces, which shows how cruel "MS-13" is to the betrayer.

I am a bento mushroom, welcome to communicate and discuss together in the comment area, we will not see each other in the next program.


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