
Can newborns be held often? The scientific answer is here, and I don't have to worry about it after reading it

author:Positive Yangtze

In many families, the arrival of a newborn is always full of laughter and controversy. Especially when it comes to the question of "hugging or not hugging", almost every family discusses this age-old topic. For example, at a typical family gathering, you might hear an experienced grandmother firmly say, "Hold your baby too much, they'll get too clingy!" while a young mother may anxiously retort, "But the doctor said hugging is good for your baby's emotional development!"

So, how do we find scientific answers to these seemingly opposing views? This article will use scientific research and expert opinions to solve this question that plagues countless families: can newborns be held often? Let's uncover the scientific principles behind this, take you out of the confusion, and understand the true meaning and method of holding a newborn.

Can newborns be held often? The scientific answer is here, and I don't have to worry about it after reading it

Why do newborns need close contact?

Sense of security and brain development in newborns

Newborns have an extremely high need for security in the first few months of life. Biological studies have shown that skin-to-skin contact with parents can significantly improve the psychological and emotional safety of newborns. Such exposure activates the secretion of oxitosin in the brain, a substance known as the "love hormone" that helps form a bond between parents and children, and has a long-term impact on the emotional stability and cognitive development of newborns.

Synergistic growth of emotion and cognition

Regularly holding your newborn not only satisfies their emotional needs, but it is also a stimulus to their cognitive development. Psychologists have found that moderate intimacy helps with brain development in newborns, especially in dealing with emotions and social skills. Regular physical contact can strengthen the newborn's awareness of the world around him, contributing to the development of early language skills and social skills.

Can newborns be held often? The scientific answer is here, and I don't have to worry about it after reading it

What are the hidden dangers of over-hugging a newborn?

Cultivating the risk of over-dependence

While moderate physical contact is beneficial for newborn development, over-reliance on cuddles can lead to unnecessary psychological dependence. This dependency may prevent children from learning to deal with problems independently and self-soothing later in life. Studies have shown that reducing unnecessary physical contact can promote the development of children's self-regulation skills and help them face future challenges.

Potential effects on physiological development

Prolonged passive posture, such as prolonged cuddling or continued use of a stroller, can adversely affect the newborn's physical development. Pediatric studies have noted that too much passive posture may affect the development of motor skills in infants, such as delays in crawling and walking. Experts recommend that parents should encourage their newborns to engage in appropriate physical activity in a safe environment to support the healthy growth of their muscles and bones.

Can newborns be held often? The scientific answer is here, and I don't have to worry about it after reading it

How to Hold a Newborn Scientifically: A Guide to Posture and Frequency

Correct hugging posture

Newborns' bones and muscles are not yet fully developed, so proper holding posture is essential for their physical health. When holding your newborn, make sure to support your baby's head and neck, as they are not yet able to support themselves. In the "hold-and-fall" position, support your baby's head and neck with your left hand and support your hips with your right hand, ensuring that your spine is naturally curved and avoiding any unnatural twisting or pressure.

Reasonable hugging frequency

There is no one-size-fits-all rule regarding the frequency of cuddling, but it is important to adjust to the baby's needs and feedback. Observing how babies react and if they appear calm or happy when they are being carried, this is usually a positive sign. Conversely, if the baby shows discomfort or irritability after cuddling, it may be necessary to reduce the number or duration of cuddles. It is advisable to add hugs when the baby is awake to help them establish a stronger parent-child bond.

Can newborns be held often? The scientific answer is here, and I don't have to worry about it after reading it

Practical tips and tricks: More options for parent-child interaction

Diversified parent-child interaction

In addition to traditional cuddling, parents can enhance parent-child interaction with their newborn in other ways, such as gently rocking, patting the back, or talking to the baby. Not only do these activities strengthen the emotional bond between parents and their babies, but they also help babies feel safe and comfortable without relying on long cuddles.

Observe and respond to signals from newborns

Parents should learn to recognize and respond to nonverbal signals from their newborns. For example, a newborn may use crying, body movements, or facial expressions to express the need for intimacy or other needs. Responding sensitively to these signals can help regulate the mood of the newborn and promote its healthy growth.

With these scientific guidance and practical tips, parents can more effectively establish a stable emotional connection with their newborn while promoting the development of their physical and mental health.