
Lakers: Warriors, I'm here to accompany you! The Lakers lost to the Nuggets, and Lao Zhan directly exposed the reason for the loss after the game!

author:Wisboo knows the ball


湖人今日坐镇主场迎来和掘金的G3,首节之争浓眉‬早早进入状态连拿10分,湖人借此以18-9开局迅速抢占先机,掘金方面外线‬射手群‬手感‬冰凉‬,没有‬任何状态‬。 次节掘金迅速‬调整‬发起‬反扑‬,戈登‬单节‬6分‬6板‬帮助‬掘金‬追至‬4分‬分差‬‬。 下半场更是‬‬风云‬突变,湖人‬陷入‬得分慌‬,连续‬投篮‬不进‬‬+失误‬,掘金‬一波‬15-4反超‬比分,并‬保持‬领先‬优势。 In the final quarter, Porter stepped up and scored 8 points on consecutive mid-range shots, and the Nuggets held on to a lead of about 10 points until the end. In the end, the Nuggets won the match point 112-105 Lakers with a total score of 3-0.

Lakers: Warriors, I'm here to accompany you! The Lakers lost to the Nuggets, and Lao Zhan directly exposed the reason for the loss after the game!


1. Today, Lao Zhan's offensive efficiency is still very high, but it can be seen that even if he is full in terms of attitude, I have to admit that his offensive and defensive influence is indeed not as good as before, and even in the confrontation with Gordon, James can't take advantage, the latter is not inferior to James in terms of efficiency and production, and even the rebounding and interior directly blow up the Lakers. Height and strength are not dominant in all aspects, James's decline is obvious, his physical fitness really can't keep up, the second half is obviously not smooth, low-level mistakes continue, and the Lakers are similar to the loss plot.

Lakers: Warriors, I'm here to accompany you! The Lakers lost to the Nuggets, and Lao Zhan directly exposed the reason for the loss after the game!

James walked and the referee did not blow the penalty, and the Nuggets players were dissatisfied with the penalty!


Lakers: Warriors, I'm here to accompany you! The Lakers lost to the Nuggets, and Lao Zhan directly exposed the reason for the loss after the game!

3.没能‬延续‬上场‬神奇‬表现‬,湖人‬主力‬后卫‬,竟然‬一分‬不得‬,投篮‬全部‬偏‬的离谱‬,还被‬主场‬球迷‬狂嘘‬...... It's all up to James to play inside, and he definitely won't win. And Russell has to be consistent at this point for the Lakers to win. The Lakers can't treat him as a surprise soldier, and if the water can't get up, the Lakers won't have any chance against the Nuggets, and today is the best example.

Lakers: Warriors, I'm here to accompany you! The Lakers lost to the Nuggets, and Lao Zhan directly exposed the reason for the loss after the game!

4. Look at Rivers' data is okay, and he also got 20+, but if you watch the game, you don't think so, 3 of 13 in the first three quarters, and when chasing points, the frame is iron, and the defensive end seems to be very positive, but it really can't be prevented. With the last 40 seconds left, there was no suspense in the game, and he shot 2 three-pointers and hit steadily, the classic child died, and the milk came.

Lakers: Warriors, I'm here to accompany you! The Lakers lost to the Nuggets, and Lao Zhan directly exposed the reason for the loss after the game!

5.八村垒开场就连得5分,以为‬只是‬开始‬,没想到‬却是‬巅峰‬。 八村‬进攻‬端‬真‬有点‬灾难‬,简单‬的球‬都‬放不进‬,吃饼‬都‬有点‬吃‬不明白‬,2+1的‬球‬打成‬0+0。 防守端‬也不‬卡位‬,篮板‬被‬抢‬爆‬。 But it can't be helped

The Lakers have no one else available, and when the other three starting cores you have been relying on (Russell, Reaves, Hachimura) are collectively pulled down, and the bench itself can't contribute much, James and Bushy Eyebrows will only struggle. Relying on the two of them, the Lakers don't have any chance to compete with the Nuggets.

Lakers: Warriors, I'm here to accompany you! The Lakers lost to the Nuggets, and Lao Zhan directly exposed the reason for the loss after the game!


The Lakers defeated the Nuggets and became the first team to fall behind 0-3 in the playoffs this season! The Nuggets are currently leading the Lakers 3-0.

In this game, the Nuggets scored 20+5: Jokic 24 points, 15 rebounds and 9 assists, Murray 22 points, 5 rebounds and 9 assists, Gordon 29 points, 15 rebounds and 3 assists, Porter Jr. 20 points and 10 rebounds;

Lakers: Warriors, I'm here to accompany you! The Lakers lost to the Nuggets, and Lao Zhan directly exposed the reason for the loss after the game!


詹姆斯首先表示自己不认输,只要还活着,就永远有信心‬赢‬。 如果‬下场‬比赛输球就要回家了。 湖人‬会‬拼尽‬全力拿下一场,逼出G5,然后自己‬再做打算。 随后‬谈到‬今天‬输球‬原因‬:我感觉我们在上半场建立领先优势或者展现防守强度时耗费了太多体力,导致我们在第三节一上来就没有太多的活力,不断‬打铁‬,失误‬。 That's the way the Nuggets are, those guys are constantly hitting difficult shots, and I think a lot of things must have happened in the third quarter...... 今晚我们三分球27投5中,这也许是‬最大‬原因。 Sometimes we had good chances, some of them were shots that were disrupted, but I think most of the shots we created were good shots, and we just didn't make them.

Playoffs Schedule:

Lakers: Warriors, I'm here to accompany you! The Lakers lost to the Nuggets, and Lao Zhan directly exposed the reason for the loss after the game!

The classic Nuggets beat the Lakers, the Nuggets fell behind in the first quarter, chased points in the second quarter, and the score was anxious in the third quarter, the Lakers fell into a scoring panic, the Nuggets began to exert their strength, and the fourth quarter was repeatedly handled. The Lakers never gave up in the end...... The Lakers lost to the Nuggets in this game [cover their face] [cover their face] Now that the Lakers are completely on the edge of the cliff, the only thing they can do is to get a win and avoid the embarrassment of being swept 0-4 again!