
Table tennis Saudi Arabia Grand Slam participants, schedule and event information full version

author:Iron bone cold incense

Can I say how happy I am to be a fan of table tennis? There have been a lot of tournaments lately, and there are a lot of games to watch all year round. No, not long after the Macau World Cup ended, the Saudi Grand Slam came again.

Table tennis Saudi Arabia Grand Slam participants, schedule and event information full version

大满贯‬赛事‬,虽然‬是‬WTT的‬商业‬赛‬,但‬其‬含金量‬非常高‬,是‬WTT系列‬赛事‬的‬顶流‬‬,冠军‬积分‬2000分‬,比‬三大赛‬的‬世界杯‬1500分‬还‬高‬。 有关‬本次‬比赛‬的‬赛事‬信息‬已经‬公布‬,现‬汇总‬如下‬:

Table tennis Saudi Arabia Grand Slam participants, schedule and event information full version

本次比赛在沙特阿拉伯‬举行,正式‬开赛‬时间:5月4日‬–5月‬11日;地点:沙特‬吉‬达‬的‬阿‬伯卜‬杜‬拉‬国王‬体育‬城‬。 比赛‬项目‬:分为男单‬、女单‬、男双‬、女双‬、混双‬五‬个项目‬;冠军‬积分‬:2000分‬,其他‬名次‬积分‬如‬‬下‬:

Table tennis Saudi Arabia Grand Slam participants, schedule and event information full version


Table tennis Saudi Arabia Grand Slam participants, schedule and event information full version

男子单打中国队参赛人员共计‬6人‬,分别是‬:王楚钦‬、樊振东‬、马龙‬、梁靖崑‬、林高远‬和‬林诗栋‬。 此次‬赛事‬国乒‬主力‬悉数‬上阵‬,尤其‬是‬小将‬林诗栋‬也‬得到了‬锻炼‬的‬机会‬,希望‬小石头‬可以‬走得‬更远‬。

Table tennis Saudi Arabia Grand Slam participants, schedule and event information full version

女单方面,国乒也是派出了国乒‬现役女子单打世界排名的前六名‬选手,孙颖莎、王曼昱‬、陈梦、王艺迪‬、陈幸同‬、钱‬天一‬,个个实力超群。 Slightly different from the World Cup participants, Kuo Man, who lost the World Cup, missed the foreign war, and was replaced by the national table tennis beauty Qian Tianyi, hoping that Tianyi can seize the opportunity, get more points, and return to the top 20 in the world ranking.

Table tennis Saudi Arabia Grand Slam participants, schedule and event information full version

In doubles, Men's Doubles Ma Long/Wang Chuqin, Women's Doubles Wang Manyu/Chen Meng, Mixed Doubles Wang Chuqin/Sun Yingsha, while Liang Jingkun/Lin Gaoyuan and Wang Yidi/Chen Xingtonghai qualified as wild cards.

Table tennis Saudi Arabia Grand Slam participants, schedule and event information full version
Table tennis Saudi Arabia Grand Slam participants, schedule and event information full version


Table tennis Saudi Arabia Grand Slam participants, schedule and event information full version



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