
The Psychology Contest of Rich and Poor Parents: Different Logics and Expectations of Parenting


The Psychology Contest of Rich and Poor Parents: Different Logics and Expectations of Parenting

In today's society, we often find an interesting phenomenon:

The more financially constrained the family, the more parents have high hopes for their children, expecting them to become the breadwinners of the family as soon as possible.

In relatively wealthy families, parents pay more attention to the growth and accumulation of their children, and place more expectations and trust on them. This difference not only reflects the difference in family economy, but also reflects the difference in the mentality of parents.

For families with poor economic conditions, parenting is often seen as an "investment".

This kind of investment is not only a material investment, but also an emotional and expected sustenance.

Parents work hard and cut down on food and clothing, just to be able to provide a relatively stable growth environment for their children. However, this investment is not without returns.

When children become adults, enter society, and start working, parents expect them to be able to give back to the family and become the breadwinner of the family.

The Psychology Contest of Rich and Poor Parents: Different Logics and Expectations of Parenting

In this state of mind, children are often under tremendous stress.

Not only do they have to face challenges at work, but they also have to take on the financial responsibilities of their families. Sometimes, even if you are already stretched thin, you have to send some of your income home.

This kind of pressure makes it difficult for them to feel comfortable at work and in life.

However, for families with better economic conditions, the situation is quite different. Parents in these families often pay more attention to the growth and accumulation of their children.

They are well aware that wealth is not achieved overnight, but requires a long period of accumulation and hard work. As a result, they are more willing to provide more opportunities for their children to learn and grow, rather than focusing solely on immediate financial gains.

In this mindset, children tend to be able to have more freedom and choice. They can choose a career and path that suits them according to their interests and aspirations. Even if you encounter difficulties at work, you can get the understanding and support of your parents. This relaxed growth environment makes them more confident and calm to face the challenges of life.

Take the neighbor's child as an example, after graduating from university, she worked in a hospital in Zhuhai, and although her monthly salary was more than 10,000 yuan, her mother still asked her to transfer 5,000 yuan a month to go home.

This kind of demand has undoubtedly brought a lot of pressure to her life. Not only does she have to deal with various challenges at work, but she also has to worry about her family's financial situation.

My parents, by contrast, never asked me to take a penny from the family. They always encouraged me to pursue my dreams and create a better future in my own way. This trust and support has allowed me to face life's challenges with more confidence and determination.

The Psychology Contest of Rich and Poor Parents: Different Logics and Expectations of Parenting

This difference in mentality is not only reflected in the economic treatment of children, but also in the treatment of children's life and growth.

Parents of poor families tend to pay more attention to their children's material needs than to their spiritual growth. They may limit their child's extracurricular activities or hobbies in order to save money.

This kind of restriction will undoubtedly restrict children's imagination and creativity, making it difficult for them to have a broader vision and richer life experience.

Parents of wealthy families, on the other hand, pay more attention to their children's spiritual growth and all-round development.

They are willing to provide more opportunities and resources for their children, so that they can be exposed to a wider world and richer knowledge.

They encourage children to pursue their dreams and interests, supporting them to try new things and challenge their limits. This openness and inclusiveness enables children to face life's challenges and opportunities with greater confidence.

Of course, we can't simply reduce this disparity to the rich and the poor.

In fact, many families with average economic conditions can also provide a relaxed and free environment for their children to grow up.

The key lies in the mentality and perception of parents. Only when we truly realize that our children's growth and development are more important than immediate financial benefits can we create a better future for our children.

The Psychology Contest of Rich and Poor Parents: Different Logics and Expectations of Parenting

So, what kind of mindset did your parents have?

Do we expect you to become the breadwinner of the family as soon as possible, or do we pay more attention to your growth and accumulation? In either case, we should understand and respect the expectations and contributions of our parents. At the same time, we must also strive to become the master of our own life and create our own wonderful life in our own way.

In this era of rapid development,

Each of us faces challenges and opportunities. And the mentality and expectations of parents often influence our choices and decisions.

Therefore, we need to think and explore this topic more deeply in order to better understand and respond to the various challenges in life.

Perhaps, we can think about this problem from another angle: whether it is a rich or poor family, parents' expectations and contributions to their children are out of love and care for their children. It's just that due to different economic conditions and perceptions, their expressions and expectations are different. This difference is also an important entry point for us to understand and tolerate different family backgrounds and growth environments.

For children from poor families, they may feel more financial pressure and family responsibilities. But that doesn't mean there is no hope for their future.

On the contrary, this kind of pressure and challenge can often motivate them to study and work harder to change the fate of themselves and their families. At the same time, they should also learn to adjust their mindset and expectations, not to pursue material satisfaction too much, but to pay more attention to their spiritual growth and inner upliftment.

For children of wealthy families, they may have more opportunities and resources, but they also face higher expectations and demands. They need to work harder to learn and grow in order to respond to the expectations of their parents and society. At the same time, they should also maintain a humble and grateful heart, cherish what they have, and strive to contribute more to society.

In short, children from rich and poor families should face the challenges and opportunities in life with a positive and optimistic attitude.

We should understand and respect the expectations and dedication of our parents, and at the same time, we should be firm in our own beliefs and pursuits. Only in this way can we truly become independent, confident and responsible people, and create a better future for ourselves and our families.

Finally, let's go back to the original question: What kind of mindset did your parents have?

Perhaps, there is no one set answer to this question. Because every family, every parent, is unique.