
After middle age, don't overestimate your pillow person, there are three things you should pay attention to

After middle age, don't overestimate your pillow person, there are three things you should pay attention to

When you wake up from a dream, open your eyes, and find that your partner is gone, what do you think? It's human nature.

In Maugham's novel The Moon and Sixpence, Strickland's wife initially had the same idea.

Gradually, she began to realize that something was wrong.

Due to the big financial problems in her family, coupled with some previous rumors that Strickland may be unfaithful to her marriage and has cheated on her a long time ago, this makes her heart even more irritable, and a sense of foreboding arises.

Sure enough, she confirmed that Strickland had run away from home.

She found a note that clearly read, "Don't look for me. ”

When that moment came, she felt that her world was beginning to crumble, and there were two young children at home, and he had given up everything and left, how would she and her children live without any financial resources?

After middle age, don't overestimate your pillow person, there are three things you should pay attention to

Perhaps, from the moment Strickland decided to leave, he didn't think about the safety of his wife and children anymore. These seem to be of little importance to him, and may even become a burden for him.

He used to work in a bank, and his life was stable and his family was happy.

He always felt dissatisfied, as if there was a big hole in his heart that could not be filled, and the only way to find the answer was to leave. He left decisively to pursue his dream of painting. This decision may change the trajectory of his life, but he is confident about the future.

Indeed, he volunteered to become a painter.

Ideals and reality are always at odds with each other, and wanting to give for your family while also running for a livelihood means you need to give up some of your dreams. If you're determined to pursue your dreams, you'll need to put your heart and soul into it, and you'll have to know how to make trade-offs. But it also means that you will fail your family.

Strickland understands this, and he leaves his family behind to pursue his dreams.

From a secular point of view, he clearly lacks a sense of responsibility, but from the point of view of finding himself, he has made a desperate battle and shown extreme courage.

This event reminds us that we should never overestimate our intimate partner at any time, because we never know how they will decide, or when they will betray us. This message is the best moment to remind us that no matter how close we are, we still need to be wise and cautious.

Not everyone is capable of taking on the responsibilities of marriage and family, and we will inevitably change. As the world changes, we must also adapt and rise to the challenge. We must rely on ourselves all our lives.

If you have reached middle age, you should be more careful not to pin your future on the person next to you. There are three things to keep in mind so that you don't regret it in the future.

After middle age, don't overestimate your pillow person, there are three things you should pay attention to

One: Don't be overly dependent on your other half, and have the ability to live independently

In The Moon and Sixpence, Strickland's wife initially has no confidence in supporting herself, believing that her responsibility is to take care of the family and become a stay-at-home wife.

Her dependence on her husband was so severe that after he left, she completely lost control of her own life and also lost her financial resources. This shows that it is not advisable to rely too much on others.

This passage reminds us that we must not see others as the whole of our lives at any time. Even the people we spend with day and night are not infallible. This requires deep reflection and introspection.

Only with the ability to live independently can you still be calm and calm after the other party leaves suddenly, and you will not be in a hurry. This is also an important quality that we should strive to cultivate.

After middle age, don't overestimate your pillow person, there are three things you should pay attention to

Two: Have a strong heart, be spiritually independent, and live your life

In addition to being financially self-sufficient, we also need to be mentally independent, which is more important than financial independence. This is because only with an independent mind and will can you calmly cope with various challenges in life, become your own master, and take control of your own destiny.

Only when you have mental independence will you have the ability to think independently. This way, you will be able to have your own opinions and ideas, make the right decisions, and take responsibility for those choices, no matter what problems arise. This is very important because only by thinking independently can you truly become a free and mature person. We should focus on cultivating our own spiritual independence and putting it into practice through thinking and acting.

It is only when you become an independent and complete person that you can truly take control of your life. Otherwise, you are just a puppet in the hands of others, spending your life in chaos. In order to live the life you want, you must be determined to pursue independence, wholeness, and self-fulfillment.

After middle age, don't overestimate your pillow person, there are three things you should pay attention to

Three: Have your own life, hobbies and social circles, and strive to live a wonderful life

Why do many women not want to be stay-at-home wives? Not because they want a high salary, but because they want not to be out of touch with the real world and to maintain their independence.

When women lose their interests and pursuits, they gradually feel that life lacks meaning. This shows that personal pursuits and interests are very important for women.

Social circles are also suitable for everyone, and only by having their own social circles and unique range of activities can they make life more colorful. Otherwise, gradually becoming closed and lonely will also become an inevitable trend. It is very important to socialize with people and make friends.

After middle age, don't overestimate your pillow person, there are three things you should pay attention to

Maugham's The Moon and Sixpence is a well-known classic, and its value for reflection should not be underestimated. This book covers topics such as dreams, choices, and life, as well as love, marriage, and family, and is worth pondering.

This novel sheds light on the selfishness and reality of human nature and is a wake-up call for us.

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