
You need to be vigilant about the long foreskin, you need to know these hazards!

author:Department of Urology, Wang Wei

In medical practice, some seemingly minor problems, if ignored for a long time, can eventually evolve into serious health problems that are too much to bear. Mr. Zhang, a 60-year-old retired teacher, is a case in point. His life was deeply affected by one small thing: the long foreskin. At first, he only occasionally felt local discomfort and didn't care. But over time, the discomfort worsens, and infections become more frequent. He thought a simple cleaning would suffice, until a serious infection forced him to go to the hospital for treatment, and he realized the seriousness of the problem. This not only caused pain and inconvenience to his life, but also took a toll on his mental and social life.

Mr. Zhang's example is not an isolated one. Many of these situations happen every day, and the problem of an excessively long foreskin is far more serious than most people think. This common male problem, if not properly addressed, can not only affect personal hygiene, but can also lead to a range of complex health problems.

You need to be vigilant about the long foreskin, you need to know these hazards!

The basic perception of a long foreskin: not just a minor problem

Definition and universality

An excessively long foreskin, medically known as phimosis, is when the foreskin is too long or too tight to expose the glans penis completely or freely. In newborns and young children, this is normal, but if it persists into adulthood, medical intervention may be required. According to statistics, the prevalence of long foreskin in adult men cannot be ignored, and about a certain percentage of adult men will encounter this condition.

Cause of occurrence

The causes of an excessively long foreskin are varied, including genetic factors and acquired factors. In some families, long foreskin may be an inherited trait. In addition, poor personal hygiene is also an important factor that exacerbates the problem of long foreskin. Long-term neglect of private parts can lead to the accumulation of large amounts of smegma inside the foreskin, which can not only lead to infection, but may also increase the risk of other, more serious diseases.

The relationship between long foreskin and age

Although an excessively long foreskin can occur at any age, its effects vary from age to age. In adolescence and early adulthood, this may manifest primarily as hygiene problems or discomfort during sexual activity. However, as we age, the health problems that can arise from an excessively long foreskin can become more complex. For example, older people are more susceptible to infections due to the natural decline of their immune systems, a trend exacerbated by long-standing foreskin problems.

You need to be vigilant about the long foreskin, you need to know these hazards!

The potential dangers of a long foreskin: understanding and prevention

Localized infection: prevention is better than cure

Excessive foreskin can lead to the accumulation of smegma, which is a substance formed by a mixture of exfoliated epidermal cells, sebum, and microorganisms. This accumulation environment provides a breeding ground for the growth of bacteria and fungi, which increases the risk of local infections such as balanitis and posthitis. Balanitis is characterized by redness, pain, and odor in the glans penis, while posthitis causes redness, swelling, and increased discharge from the inside of the foreskin.

Influencing sexual function: an issue that cannot be ignored

Sexual dysfunction is another potential hazard of an excessively long foreskin. An excessively long foreskin may cause pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse, affecting the quality of sexual life. In some cases, a foreskin that is too tight can cause pain during an erection or even hinder normal sexual function.

Residual Urine Problems: The devil is in the details

An excessively long foreskin may leave droplets of urine after the urine is excreted, which not only causes local wetness and discomfort, but can also cause urinary tract infections. Long-term residual urine may further affect the health of the urethra and prostate.

Associated with diseases of the genitourinary system: the harm is much more than superficial

Ongoing local infection and inflammation may increase the risk of urethritis and prostate disease. Studies have shown that men with long foreskin are more likely to have these urinary problems because infections tend to grow under a prepuce that is not properly cleaned.

You need to be vigilant about the long foreskin, you need to know these hazards!

Diagnosis and treatment of long foreskin: professional and practical

Precise diagnosis: from examination to determination

The diagnosis of long foreskin usually begins with a detailed history and physical examination. Your doctor will check the length and elasticity of the foreskin and whether there are any conditions in which the foreskin will not be able to reset. If necessary, a urine test may be done to rule out infection or an ultrasound may be done to assess the status of the urinary system.

Treatment options: from conservative to surgical

Conservative treatment: Initial or mild long foreskin can be treated conservatively, including regular cleansing and the use of topical creams to reduce inflammation and promote skin suppleness.

Surgical treatment: circumcision

Procedure: Circumcision is a common treatment for long foreskin. The surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia to restore normal foreskin size and function by removing excess foreskin.

Post-operative recovery: During recovery, patients need to maintain local hygiene, follow their doctor's instructions to use antibiotic ointments to prevent infection, and usually return to normal within a few weeks after surgery.

Precautions: Follow your doctor's instructions after surgery, have regular check-ups, and avoid strenuous exercise and sexual activity until your doctor allows you to.

The choice of these treatment options depends on the individual situation and the doctor's professional assessment. Early diagnosis and treatment not only addresses immediate discomfort and dysfunction, but also prevents potential long-term health problems. Through education and awareness, men can better understand their health and take appropriate precautions to avoid the health risks associated with a long foreskin.

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