
Wuzhai: Anti-drug propaganda into the countryside Don't let drugs into my home

author:Xiurong Life Information Circle

In order to promote the solid development of the work of creating a national anti-drug demonstration city, strengthen the anti-drug propaganda in rural areas, and further enhance the anti-drug awareness of rural residents, on April 17, the Sunjiaping Police Station of the Wuzhai County Public Security Bureau and the Wuzhai County Community Drug Treatment (Rehabilitation) Service Center carried out anti-drug publicity activities in Liangjiaping Village.

Wuzhai: Anti-drug propaganda into the countryside Don't let drugs into my home

活动中,民警和社工通过发放禁毒宣传资料、展示毒品仿真模型、张贴禁毒宣传海报等形式,向村民普及禁毒知识及法律法规,用通俗易懂的语言讲解毒品的危害及辨识毒品的方法,提醒村民‬‬警惕新型毒品陷阱,号召村民争当禁毒宣传员,共同参与禁毒斗争,自觉远离毒品侵害。 At the same time, the social worker guided the villagers to pay attention to the WeChat public accounts of "China Anti-Drug", "Shanxi Anti-drug" and "Xinzhou Anti-drug", and participated in the anti-drug knowledge answering activity to learn more about anti-drug knowledge.

Wuzhai: Anti-drug propaganda into the countryside Don't let drugs into my home
Wuzhai: Anti-drug propaganda into the countryside Don't let drugs into my home
Wuzhai: Anti-drug propaganda into the countryside Don't let drugs into my home
