
FGO: Four-star kill-level Lokusta strength evaluation Poison special attack is played to the extreme, but unfortunately the actual combat is average

author:Black Meow Yuni

FGO's arcade linkage event opened by the national server this time,The card pool involved in the relevant bundles,As an unpopular four-star killer servant who accompanies the run,That is, Lokusta,This time I will also talk specifically about the specific strength and performance of this four-star servant.,It's not for nothing that the servant is unpopular.,People have characteristics but not mainstream,And the strength performance is also very average.,Although she played the mechanism of the poison attack to the extreme.。

FGO: Four-star kill-level Lokusta strength evaluation Poison special attack is played to the extreme, but unfortunately the actual combat is average

It's a very standard blue card to a single servant.,Matching cards or three-blue matching cards.,Treasure is also a blue card.,It looks good.,But because it's a killing order.,This is directly born with a disadvantage.,So in the output ability.,Don't have too much luxury.,Typical type of just look at it.。

FGO: Four-star kill-level Lokusta strength evaluation Poison special attack is played to the extreme, but unfortunately the actual combat is average

The skill design is very good.,There is survivability.,I also have a group of 20NP group filling skills.,The general attack can also give the enemy a poisonous state.,There is also the effect of directly giving the poisonous state.,It also has the Blue Devil and the Golden Rule.,The skill set is very reasonable.,The damage increase is a little worse.,And it's more difficult to start yourself.。

FGO: Four-star kill-level Lokusta strength evaluation Poison special attack is played to the extreme, but unfortunately the actual combat is average

Although she has a first-class ability to stack poisons, and she also has the ability to attack poison, in a sense, it is a special attack on everything, but in fact, in most of the actual battles, there is no chance and round for you to stack poisons, so it looks very strong in theory, and the core problem is that the output is still not enough, after all, the requirements for the upper limit of damage in the underworld of 90++ are too high, and she is still a killing rank, resulting in the skill book and treasure looking good, but actual combat is another matter.

FGO: Four-star kill-level Lokusta strength evaluation Poison special attack is played to the extreme, but unfortunately the actual combat is average

To sum up, that's it.,It's estimated that most players will unlock this high-level treasure.,After all, it's the accompaniment of the beast Nero card pool.,Don't worry about the problem of starting.,There's no need to cultivate it with heart.,Just smash it to the full break.,It's good to collect it.,After all, it's almost useless in actual combat.,Of course, for new players who haven't been in the pit for a long time.,It's still somewhat helpful.。