
The man gave way to the car but was "middle fingered" by the child, and the whole city was looking for an apology, and his father spoke sincerely

author:Tutu tells the story

The man gave way to the car and was "given the middle finger" by the child, the whole city looked for someone to apologize, and the father came forward to resolve the turmoil - the importance of family education

Parents are the best teachers for their children, and the right way to educate them can guide them on the right path and avoid wrong behaviors. In the face of children's mistakes, parents should have the courage to take responsibility and correct their children's behaviors in a timely manner, so that children can understand the seriousness of their mistakes.


Today I will bring you an interesting story that happened in Chaoyang, Liaoning. This thing, it's really laughable to say, a man who was kind enough to give way to the car was actually given the "middle finger" by a child!


The video comes from the Internet

As soon as this incident came out, the whole city was in a sensation, and everyone was looking for this bear child and asking him to apologize in person. Hey, what do you say is wrong with this world, there is no good reward for your kindness!

The man gave way to the car but was "middle fingered" by the child, and the whole city was looking for an apology, and his father spoke sincerely

Let's review the ins and outs of this incident. On that day, Mr. Li drove normally, and when he came to an intersection, he saw a van in front of him with a left turn signal waiting to turn. However, the passing cars rushed forward on their own, and no one stopped to let the van go. When Mr. Li looked at it, he thought, "What's wrong with this world? Are everyone so selfish?" So, he put on the brakes and took the initiative to let the van pass first.

The man gave way to the car but was "middle fingered" by the child, and the whole city was looking for an apology, and his father spoke sincerely

The van driver felt Mr. Li's kindness, and he was grateful. However, the next scene made Mr. Li dumbfounded. It turned out that there was a little boy sitting in the co-pilot of the van, and when the child saw that Mr. Li gave way to the car, not only did he not feel grateful, but looked at him with provocative eyes, and then raised his middle finger at him!

The man gave way to the car but was "middle fingered" by the child, and the whole city was looking for an apology, and his father spoke sincerely

Mr. Li was furious, but the car had already driven away, and he still had something to do, so he didn't catch up. But when he got home, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, so he posted the video taken by the dashcam on the Internet, saying: "I'm looking for this person in the whole city now, and I must apologize to my face!"

The man gave way to the car but was "middle fingered" by the child, and the whole city was looking for an apology, and his father spoke sincerely

As soon as this video was released, it immediately aroused heated discussions among netizens. Everyone felt that Mr. Li had done the right thing, and he kindly let the car be insulted, how could this be endured? Some netizens ran to the account of the Chaoyang City Traffic Police to leave a message: "Can minors sit in the co-pilot?" It seems that everyone is very dissatisfied with this child's behavior.

The man gave way to the car but was "middle fingered" by the child, and the whole city was looking for an apology, and his father spoke sincerely

But that's not the end of it. The father of the little boy who gave Mr. Li the middle finger also saw this video, and he left a message in the comment area of Mr. Li's video: "I am divorced from his mother, I am not careful enough to take care of the baby myself, and the education is not good, so I am sorry to trouble you." "Oh, this father is quite responsible, and everyone's attention to him has not been in vain.

The man gave way to the car but was "middle fingered" by the child, and the whole city was looking for an apology, and his father spoke sincerely

After Mr. Li saw the child's father speak out, he also said that as long as he recorded a video to apologize and promised not to do similar things in the future, the matter would be over. This father is also an understanding person, and he also apologized one by one under the comments of other netizens, and said that the child has been educated, probably because he thinks it is fun. It can be seen that this father is still a very responsible person.

The man gave way to the car but was "middle fingered" by the child, and the whole city was looking for an apology, and his father spoke sincerely

Speaking of which, I am reminded of a historical story. At that time, there was a child named Kong Rong, who was very sensible since he was a child, and knew how to respect his elders and be polite to others. Once, when a guest came to his house, Kong Rong took the initiative to give the big pear to the guest to eat, and he only ate the small one. When the guest asked him why he did this, Kong Rong said, "I am small, I should eat small, and you are big, I should eat big." As soon as these words came out, everyone praised him for being a good boy who was sensible.

The man gave way to the car but was "middle fingered" by the child, and the whole city was looking for an apology, and his father spoke sincerely

Just like this little boy who gave Mr. Li the middle finger, he may think it is fun and majestic, but he does not know that such behavior will hurt others and affect his own image. Parents should educate their children from an early age to know how to respect others, know how to be grateful, and know how to be courteous, so that their children can become people with quality and moral character.

The man gave way to the car but was "middle fingered" by the child, and the whole city was looking for an apology, and his father spoke sincerely

Of course, children's growth does not happen overnight, and they will inevitably make mistakes. However, as long as parents can detect and correct their children's wrong behaviors in time, so that they can understand the seriousness of their mistakes and correct them, they are still good children. Just like the father of the little boy who gave Mr. Li the middle finger, he did not shirk his responsibilities and did not defend his children, but bravely stood up to admit his mistakes, apologized and taught his children to correct their mistakes. Such parents are worthy of our respect!

The man gave way to the car but was "middle fingered" by the child, and the whole city was looking for an apology, and his father spoke sincerely

Finally, I would like to say that each of us should learn to respect others and be courteous to others, because in this way we can make our society more harmonious and better. And those who do not know how to respect others and only serve selfishness will only end up being spurned and ostracized by society. So, let's work together to be a good citizen with quality and morality!

The man gave way to the car but was "middle fingered" by the child, and the whole city was looking for an apology, and his father spoke sincerely

Okay, okay, that's all for today. I hope this story can bring you some inspiration and food for thought. See you next time!